Just a little bit bang update and some rants.

Apr 26, 2012 11:51

Hey all, well I’m making progress on my big bang. I should hopefully have it completely done well before the deadline. So yeah, there will be a fic from me sometime in June or July, once all the other stories are done. I may try and get another one up before then too. Now onto the rant-y portions, in two sections, these are all just my opinions, no one needs to get all up in arms about it ok?

Ok, so I’m a non-smoker, I don’t judge those who do, but this person from today really annoyed me. So I ran into this person I used to work with who was going on and on about how they were so discriminated against because they were a smoker. Well I took issue with some of what they said and I’m going to address that.

1) Smoking in a restaurant. Sorry, but a half wall dividing two sections isn’t going to cut it. The smoke can still travel. Now if you have a section that is actually closed off, like several of the restaurants around here, then no problem. I also think if it’s just a bar, not a bar and grill, but just a bar that serves snacks like peanuts and pretzels; you should be able to smoke there. However, if a restaurant does not have a smoking section, either suck it up or go somewhere else.

2) “I paid the same amount as everyone else”-So what? I paid the same amount as Jacky McJackass over there yammering away on his cell phone on his loudest outside voice, does that mean I should be able to yank his phone away from him? No. You paid the same as everyone else, that does not mean everyone else should have to put up with your habit of smoking just because you want to.

3) “It’s too inconvenient to go outside.”-It’s inconvenient to have to listen to you complain about it, and walk through your cloud of smoke because you insist on smoking right outside the front door. Now a lot of smokers don’t do this, but some do. This person is one of them.

4) “It’s the stupid non-smokers whining about it.”-Sorry, the only person I hear whining is you, the smoker.
The whole thing boils down to, smoking is a choice, and like anything else you chose to do, you have to understand that not everyone is going to accommodate you. Just because you want to smoke wherever you want, doesn’t mean you can. As a rational adult, you should be able to figure this out. I’m not saying it isn’t inconvenient for you to have to pick up your stuff and go outside to smoke, but it’s no less inconvenient to have to listen to you bitch about it either.

I’m over Glee. Seriously, I’m so disappointed in how this show is going. The first season was so good. The second season had its ups and downs, but this season, I don’t know if I’ve seen a single episode I’ve actually thought was good from beginning to end. I’ll watch it to the end of the season, and then I’m washing my hands of it.

I wanted to like Blaine, I really did. The more I see of him, the more I find him to be really unlikeable. He comes across childish and kind of bratty to me a lot of the time. The thing with his brother, I’m sure he was supposed to be bitter about how his brother treated him, but to me he just came across as a brat. This past episode, the whole think with the text/cheating. While I can see why he would feel the way he did, I do not see how he thought what he was doing with Sebastian “Was just friendly” when Sebastian publically said he liked Blaine and insulted Kurt in front of him before. His “I kind of did the same thing a few months back” thing in Ms. Pillsbury office irritated me even further, because he didn’t “Kind of” do the same thing; he did the exact same thing.

I wanted to pull for the Blaine/Kurt relationship, but the writing on this show makes it so damn hard! First the way they got together still sort of pisses me off. One episode Blaine is telling Kurt he isn’t sexy, the next omg, he totally loves him. It doesn’t work like that. At this point, their whole relationship just makes me grit my teeth and I hate that because I really wanted to be able to like this couple.

Glee’s tradition of airing their dirty laundry for all to hear/see, surely I cannot be the only person who dislikes this. From Finn and Rachel, and Finn and Quinn, to Mercedes and Sam, and Kurt and Blaine, it’s just annoying and a plot device I really, really hate. Also, I know we’re supposed to care about these new characters they are introducing from that glee competition show, but I don’t care about them. I don’t like how they are just kind of randomly thrown in there.

The Rachel Finn marriage hook…seriously, I really hate it. Sure some kids get married right out of high school, and yeah sometimes they can make it work. I don’t see these two making it work. The fact that they keep talking about it, like omg, it’s going to happen at any minute, just makes me like the whole idea even less.

Quinn being in a wheelchair…Yes, they were trying to make a point, texting and driving is a really stupid thing to do, but if they really wanted to drive the point across, they could have done it in a different way other than, oh now she’s in a wheelchair. She could have seriously hurt the other driver, for example, to me that would have been a much more resounding issue.

These are just a few of the issues I’ve been having with this show.

I use to really love this show, it used to be about the kids I was friends with in school, but it’s just taken such a disparaging downturn. I really hate that it’s come to the point where I watch it more because I feel like I have to finish out the season than I actually enjoy it anymore. So goodbye Glee, I will mourn the fact that you used to be so good, and now you suck eggs.
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