Not Rain nor Sleet Nor Snow…will keep Sarah from work (Or how Sarah busted her ass, and her foot)

Dec 13, 2010 18:14

So I live in the part of Georgia that got snow, and yes there was panic. So I manage to get to and from work yesterday a little icy, but ok. You’d think I’d be in the clear. But no. This is me we’re talking about. I slid on an icy patch by our front door and fell into our front bushes fractured two bones in my foot/ankle area. I’m in a walking boot.

Yes I still went to work today.

Oddly enough, when it happened, I was concerned that I may have broken some of our Christmas lights. Apparently, my priorities are skewed. Michelle said this is what she heard. The car door shuts, and then “Damn it!” as my feet slid out from under me. She took me to the ER, but seeing as they didn’t really tell me not to go to work, I did go in today.

I’ve gotten a few messages inquiring as to my well being, and I assume it is because I’m not around as much. I appreciate the thoughts guys! I’m just super busy with my new job. Or well, new position, I’m still with the same company.

I did want to give you guys a quick update and let you know I’m still alive.

Also, I’ll try and get a fic up for you guys before Christmas!
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