Fic: It's in the Cards

Nov 16, 2010 15:13

Title: It's in the Cards
Disclaimer: I don't own em,if I did it would probably have to be on another channel.
Rating: PG-ish probably.
Warnings: Uh, it may induce cavities?
Characters: Kurt/Blaine, minor mentions of Carole, Burt, Finn, David and Wes.
Word count: 1,200
Spoilers: Just for the character of Blaine really and a scene from Love Actually
Summary: Blaine decides to borrow an idea from a movie he saw once to express how he feels about Kurt.
A/N: Written for This prompt!

They had a fight before they came home, and Kurt understood if Blaine was still angry at him. It had been a stupid fight and they both said things they shouldn’t have and didn’t actually mean. Or at least Kurt hoped that Blaine didn’t actually mean what he said, Kurt knew he didn’t. However, it was a fight nonetheless. Still it was Christmas Eve, and while Blaine never responded to his apology call or text, he did want to wish him a Merry Christmas, and he would probably be to busy tomorrow.

‘I know you’re still mad, but I wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas anyhow. Try to have a good time with your parents. I’ll see you back at school.’

When he wandered into the living room, he couldn’t help but smile slightly at the rest of his family, gathered around the TV watching a Christmas Story. When Carole saw him she beamed and when he moved into range, she grabbed his hand and tugged him down to sit next to her. She tucked her arm around him and pulled him against her, and at first Kurt stiffened, before relaxing slightly against her. It was different, and new, and perhaps just a little weird, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t appreciate her gesture. When the doorbell rang, he extracted himself from her hold.

“I’ll get it.” Burt and Finn barely nodded and he made his way into the hall before opening the front door.

To say he was surprised would be an understatement. Blaine stood there, dressed in his warmest clothes as the snow trickled down around him holding a boom box and what appeared to be cue cards. He stood there stunned for a moment, wondering just what the hell was going on, when he heard Carole’s voice from the living room.

“Who is it sweetie?” Blaine quickly put his finger to his lips, in the universal sign for being quiet and holding up the first cue card, and Kurt felt heat rise up in his cheeks. Really? Blaine was going to re-enact a scene from Love Actually? Still he did as he was told.

“Just some Carolers!” He called back. He heard Finn mutter something that made his dad laugh, but no one came out into the hall. Blaine pressed the play button on his boom box, and Kurt nearly choked on a laugh. Of all the CD’s he could have used, Blaine was really going to go with the one of the Warblers doing their Christmas medley? Blaine moved the first card that instructed him to tell them that it was carolers, to reveal the card underneath.

I’m Sorry

He pouted at Kurt so theatrically he couldn’t help but grin slightly, and roll his eyes affectionately. Blaine had written his cue cards in purple marker, and it looked like it had glitter all over it. Either he was trying to be super gay or he raided his sisters glitter markers. Really it was a toss up. He dropped that one to the next card.

I didn’t mean what I said

Which was a relief, part of Kurt had almost managed to convince himself that Blaine had meant it. That he just bottled up everything negative he felt about Kurt because he was afraid he couldn’t handle it, and then at the first sign of a problem, he whipped it all back out. Which wasn’t fair to him at all. He dropped that card to show the next.

So I just wanted to say

And Kurt folds himself against the doorframe slightly, smiling as his heart feels like it’s going to pound out of his chest. This is, without a doubt, the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for him, and he probably shouldn’t be as surprised as he is that Blaine is the one doing it. The card drops to join the others.

Without Hope or Agenda

And Kurt thinks there’s no way this can go the way it did in the movie, because while sure he and Blaine care about each other, and he loves Blaine, he’s certain there’s no way he could love him back. There’s too much wrong with Kurt, at least in his own eyes. The card slid away to reveal the one underneath.

And because it’s Christmas

Blaine smiled, all teeth and teasing and Kurt cocked his head to the side slightly, this was to similar to the movie, and Kurt was just waiting for David and Wes to pop out from behind his bushes and tell him that was a good one huh! The card slipped to join the others now scattered around his driveway at Blaine’s feet.

(And at Christmas you should tell the truth)

Blaine nodded like that was the most common knowledge, you tell the truth at Christmas. He flashed Kurt another smile, and now his chest hurt a little. He knew David and Wes weren’t here. He knew it was just Blaine and he wasn’t malicious or doing this at his expense because he’s pissed at him. The card dropped to his feet, to reveal the next one.

To me, you are perfect

And Kurt blinked hard to try and rid his eyes of the tears that have suddenly welled up. He’s far from perfect, and he doesn’t think he deserved everything that Blaine gave him. Blaine smiled at him again, bright and honest and Kurt swallowed thickly, watching as the card fell to join the others. He lifts his eyes back up to read the next card.

And my wasted heart will love you

Now Kurt raised a hand to his mouth, partly to keep from making a noise that will draw the rest of his family out, but mostly because he didn’t want Blaine to see his lip start to tremble, Blaine loved him, and that just was something Kurt never thought would actually happen. Blaine flung that card over his shoulder.

Until you look like this…

And the picture under that was of a mummified body, and Kurt couldn’t help but let out a soft noise of laughter. His eyes, now suspiciously bright he’s sure, rose to meet Blaine’s, as he dropped that card

Merry Christmas

There are no more cards and Blaine gave him another smile before leaning down to collect the cards he's discarded and shut off the boom box. He winked at Kurt, before moving down the driveway and he was half way down before Kurt manages to get his brain and feet in coordination again, and he’s hurrying out after him.

He didn’t really care it’s snowing and he doesn’t have on a jacket or, well shoes for that matter, he just needed to say something, tell Blaine he loved him too. He grabbed his wrist and when Blaine paused, he leaned over and kissed him, smiling against his mouth.

“Did you want to come in for a little while?” He’s shivering and his feet are now soaked, and Blaine looked slightly concerned at how he’s shaking, but he smiled and turned to follow Kurt inside his nice warm house.

Carole managed to dart away from the window just in time to avoid being seen.

rating: pg, fluff, kurt, fic, blaine

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