Fic: Making Amends

Oct 11, 2010 13:27

Title: Making Amends
Disclaimer: I don't own em,if I did it would probably have to be on another channel.
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Angst, Porn, future fic, and a little bit of language.
Characters: Puck and Kurt.
Word count: 1,793
Spoilers: a little bit for the first season I guess.
Summary: Puck knows he's been a douche, but he's pretty sure he can make up for it.
A/N: Written for Lezi for her birthday! I'm sorry it's late darling, but I wanted to write you porn and I'm not a very good porn writer, so I had to fight with it. I hope you like it lovey!

Puck felt like the biggest douche on the planet.

His job was important to him, and he was trying to make the right contacts so he could make a good career out of it. So yes, some sacrifices had to be made. Still, he should have known better than that. He should have known that every time Kurt said it was ok, or it was fine when he canceled their plans, it really wasn’t. However, he was so blinded by the idea of being able to provide for them both; he wasn’t seeing the damage he was doing.

He canceled on their anniversary dinner. It had completely slipped his mind, and he hadn’t really even paid attention at the time. It had taken Kurt a long time to answer, but when he did it was a choke ok, and then Kurt quickly left the room. Thinking about it now, Puck couldn’t believe he’d been so blind. The stricken look that had flooded Kurt’s face only to be crushed under a mask of neutrality could so easily be seen now in hindsight.

It was an hour into his event when he realized what exactly it was he had canceled on. It wasn’t just a random dinner; they’d had these reservations for months. He canceled and for what? To go out for drinks with people in his company whom it was good to know. He made his excuses to leave and hurried back hoping that Kurt would still be there when he got there.

He swung by their favorite Chinese place and got their regular order before heading home, praying that Kurt would actually still be there. He was thankfully, sitting in the same spot on the couch that he’d left him in an hour prior. Kurt hastily wiped at his face when Puck entered the room, and Puck felt his heart clench in his chest.

“What did you forget?” Kurt’s voice was reedy and he cleared it slightly.

“You,” Puck admitted honestly. Kurt’s head came up in surprise and Puck felt even worse when he saw the red eyes and the puffiness of his face. “I’m so sorry Kurt.”

“I thought it was important that you go out tonight, I mean, I understand this is your job, and like you’ve said, you need to make the right contacts. I understand, really.”

“I do, but not at the expense of you, of us.” Puck said softly, putting the food down and getting to his knees beside the couch. “And I’m so sorry I put you second.”

Kurt didn’t reply, and Puck took a chance to pull him forward into a hug. Kurt fell into his arms rather willingly, and Puck wished he could go back in time and stop himself from being such an unbelievable jackass. He could remember the one and only fight he and Kurt had about this situation. When it first started, and Kurt called him on his behavior. Puck had snapped back in annoyance that he was doing it for them, and that if work called right now, he’d go. Whether they had plans or not. He called Kurt selfish, and when Kurt had started to shut down and withdraw, he saw that as a victory.

He hated being the reason that Kurt was upset. It had happened far too many times in the past, and Puck had to work his ass off to get Kurt to even give him a chance. Unsurprisingly, the guy who threw you in the dumpster is not usually the number one choice of boyfriends. It had taken Puck nearly a year to get Kurt to agree to a single date. They’ve come a long way since then, and to think that Puck could have ruined it all.

“I know it’s not dinner out, but I brought Chinese.” Puck offered, pulling away slightly. Kurt’s smile was weak, but real and he pulled the rest of the way out of Puck’s arms.

“I didn’t care about the meal; I cared about spending the evening with you.” And if that didn’t just make him feel like the biggest asshole on the planet, Puck wasn’t sure what would. All Kurt had wanted was to spend their anniversary with him, and he’d blown him off. Well he was going to fix that, right now.

“I’m going to make it up to you.” Puck promised, and Kurt just gave him that slightly sad smile he always did when Puck promised him that. The one that said he didn’t really believe him. Puck swore that was going to change, Kurt was never going to smile like that at him again. He pulled the cartons out of the bag as well as the chopsticks, and set them down on the coffee table, there was no need for them to move to eat dinner. He left Kurt for a moment to run into the kitchen and get drinks. By the time he got back, Kurt had already opened up all the cartons and stuck Puck’s pair of chopsticks into his favorite dish.

“You didn’t have to do this.”

“I wanted too. I fucked up Kurt, I know I did. And Chinese isn’t going to fix it, I know that, but I figured it could at least be the first step in the right direction.”

They ate in fairly companionable silence, it wasn’t stilted and awkward, but it wasn’t quiet as comfortable it had been. Still, as Puck slowly inched his way from one side of the couch to the other, he realized he couldn‘t think of the last time they ate together and Puck wasn‘t busy telling Kurt about what he needed to do for work. He could tell Kurt knew what he was doing by the slightly amused half glances he was sending his way, but he remained silent as Puck shifted his way across the couch until he was pressed right up against him, thigh to thigh.

“I’ll be back in a second.” Puck said, an idea suddenly coming to him. It wasn’t hard to detangle himself from Kurt, who made no effort to keep him on the couch, but did watch him curiously, as he grinned and hurried into their bedroom. From there he headed into the large master bath. He quickly set about drawing up a warm bath. Once the tub had filled, he went to collect Kurt, who had taken it upon himself to put away their leftovers.

Puck came up behind him, and just swept him up bridal style, ignoring the squawk of surprise that escaped the slighter man. It eventually turned into a laugh, and once Puck set him down on the floor in the bathroom, Kurt looked a little to surprised at what he had done. Puck guiltily tried to think of the last thing he’d done for Kurt. How bad had it gotten that even something as mundane as drawing him a bath, something he used to do all the time, was surprising?

It only takes a few moments to get them both in the tub, Kurt’s back pressed against Puck’s chest. Puck spent the first few minutes cupping warm water in his hand and dripping it across Kurt’s pale shoulders, before he took to rubbing them. He frowned at how many tight knots he was coming across in the smaller mans shoulders. He slowly moved down his back, and Kurt made a small contented noise. Once he had worked out most of the knots, and only a few stubborn ones remained, Kurt was laying against him again.

Puck kissed the back of Kurt’s neck and smiled slightly when he shivered. Puck wanted to get out of the tub, right then and there, but he waited a few more moments, he was hard as hell, and he knew that Kurt knew that. After all, he was sure it was digging into Kurt’s back. So he’s thrilled when he suggested getting out and Kurt merely nodded in agreement. Puck doesn’t even give Kurt a chance to dry off, he’s naked and wet, and Puck needed him.

Kurt made a slightly pained noise as his back collided with the wall as Puck attached himself to his mouth. Nonetheless, Kurt’s hands go around Puck’s shoulders, and when Puck hoisted him up, he just locked his legs around his waist. Puck managed to them from the bathroom to the bed without slipping on the flooring and sending them both crashing to the ground. Kurt bounced slightly when Puck released him onto the bed, and he quickly followed him down.

He starts to kiss down Kurt’s body and he can’t actually remember the last time it was like this. He hand reached to the night table, just barely bale to reach it, to grab the lube and he quickly slipped one generously lubed digit in, Kurt mewls slightly in the back of his throat and Puck quickly adds a second finger, and finally a third, scissoring them inside, preparing Kurt for what’s to come.

Puck aligned them, before pushing in with one quick thrust. Kurt stiffens momentarily, and Puck leans down to kiss him, keeping himself still. Puck wanted him, but he didn’t want to hurt him, so he forced himself to remain still until Kurt rocked against him slightly, ankles locked around his waist. The pace started slow, shallow short thrusts that made Kurt whimper underneath him. Soon enough his pace changed and he adjusted his position to brush across Kurt’s prostate with every thrust, and Kurt’s rocking up to meet him.

Kurt arched his back and whimpered and Puck couldn’t help but smile as he leaned down to kiss alone Kurt’s neck. When his hand snaked down between their bodies to jerk Kurt off in time with his thrusts, it isn’t long before Kurt lets out a sobbed cry of his name and comes. Puck rode him through it, before he felt his own release finally come, and he grunts, stiffening, before lowering himself slightly to kiss Kurt again.

“I love you.” Puck murmured, gently pulling free and grabbing some issues off the nightstand to clean them both up a little. Kurt made a contented sound when Puck laid down and pulled him to rest against him.

“I know you do.” Kurt assured him. “Love you too.”

Puck smiled and locked Kurt down against him, it didn’t take long for Kurt to drift off, and Puck fought the tug of sleep for a moment. In the last few weeks Puck couldn’t be sure how sure Kurt really had been of his love, but things were going to change, Kurt wouldn’t question it again.

Puck yawned and gazed fondly down at the slighter man pressed against his side. Maybe after they’ve slept a while they could go for round two.

kurt, angst, smut, fic, rating: nc-17, puck

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