Fic: Hurricane

May 26, 2010 23:57

Title: Hurricane
Disclaimer: I don't own em, I if I did glee would probably have to be on a different channel.
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Up to Theatricality
Characters: Kurt, Finn, Artie, mentions of glee club
Warnings: Violence, some language, some douchebaggery
Word count: 2568
Summary: A fight between Finn and Kurt turns physical, and Finn isn't sure if he's ever felt so guilty in his life.
A/N: Ok, so this is a fill for This prompt by niblettk over at glee_angst_meme It kind of went in the opposite direction I wanted it to, but I hope it's somewhat in the ballpark of what you were looking for!
A/N: This one didn't turn out like I had planned, but I still hope it's somewhat what you were looking for!

Kurt had only seen Finn like this once before, and that was the whole show down when babygate busted wide open. He was starting to worry a little bit, while he’s pretty certain Finn won’t actually hurt him, the momentum Finn’s starting to pick up is scaring him none the less.

It doesn’t help that Finn keeps screaming about how faggy things are. It hurt, because he never thought he’d hear that word leave Finn’s mouth again, not after everything that has happened. Every time he hurled it out now though, felt like a whip, it cracked over Kurt’s skin, leaving wounds no one could see, but he could feel. Finn’s voice has reached a fever pitch of hysteria at this point and as he stampeded around the room, Kurt ends up making a mistake.

He reached out to touch Finn’s arm, to tell him to stop, calm down, he got it, but Finn ends up reacting the last way Kurt ever expected.

Finn grabbed him roughly by his upper arms and then shoved him down, the violence in that motion, scares Kurt into thinking he had been seriously wrong before. Now, he‘s pretty certain Finn will hurt him, hurt him even worse than he already had. Finn was still shrieking some sort of abuse that Kurt couldn’t really hear over the sound of his body hitting the ground He was going to be covered in bruises, he was sure. Kurt ends up scooting back to the wall, as if that would shelter him from the raging storm that was Finn.

Kurt didn’t even see Finn pick up the lamp or heave it at him. It isn’t until he’s just above his head that Kurt has the mind to fling his arms up to try and protect himself. He heard it crash against the wall, splinter and break. He felt a few pieces rain down on him, and when he’s almost certain the storm has stopped he lowered an arm, which was kind of stinging.

Finn felt like he had a bucket of ice water dumped over his head. The second the lamp left his fingers, he felt the rage drain out of him, and watched on in terror as Kurt threw his arms up over his head. It seemed as if a few pieces fell on him, but the fact that Kurt was watching him so warily made Finn think he might not have been hurt o bad, of course it also makes him feel even worse for doing any of it to begin with.

“Oh…Oh god, Kurt are you ok? I’m so sorry!” He knelt next to Kurt before he had even realized he was moving across the room, and he knew he deserved it when Kurt flinched away, hand coming up to protect his face, like he expected to get hit. “Kurt?”

“I think it would be best if you left.” Kurt told him quietly, refusing eye contact. “Before my dad gets home.”

Finn felt like a coward, because he practically ran out of there at the given out.


The next day, each time he tried to get anywhere near Kurt, the slighter boy managed to evade him. The girls were more than happy to take up for him, not even knowing what was going on, but knowing Kurt well enough to know he was upset about something. But when Artie cornered Finn before lunch, he briefly wondered if Kurt told them what happened, because Artie looks upset.

“What did you do?” Artie asked, and Finn just looked confused, because honestly, he wasn‘t sure if Artie was talking about Kurt or not. “Kurt’s avoiding you, and he won’t say why, but he’s obviously upset about something, so what did you do?” Finn wasn’t sure why, he felt the need to, but he spilled the whole story, told Artie what happened, what he did, and he watched as Artie’s face closed off and then turn angry.

“I didn’t mean to, I was just so mad, and I wasn‘t thinking!” Finn pleaded, though he knew what was going to happen, Artie was going to bitch him out and take Kurt’s side. He should actually. Finn wasn’t prepared for Artie to roll over his foot with the chair however. “OW!” Finn scuttles back a couple steps so Artie can’t do it again.

“Consider yourself lucky I’m not Mercedes, because when she finds out? You’re as good as dead. It was kinda nice knowing you Hudson.”

Finn watched as Artie wheeled himself away, exchanging a quick word with Mercedes before grabbing Kurt’s wrist, dragging him down the hall, which under any other circumstances would have been funny. As it was, Finn knew that Artie was going to tell Kurt that he knew, and then if Finn was extremely unlucky, someone was going to tell Mercedes, and they would probably never find his body.

He just felt so guilty though, because he knows he shouldn’t have take it out on Kurt, and he definitely shouldn’t have put his hands on him, shoved him down, hurt him, and scared him like he did. That wasn’t ok, they were supposed to be friends, and it was not ok for him to mess up so bad that Kurt was afraid of him.


“Artie, seriously, let go.” Kurt said giving his wrist a brief tug. Artie doesn’t reply and just kept directing them into an empty classroom. Once there he spun to look at Kurt, who was watching him as if he had lost his mind.

“Show me your arms.”

“What?” Kurt looks like he’s going to make a break for the door, so Artie maneuvers his chair between Kurt and the exit.

“Kurt, show me your arms.”

“I heard you the first time, but I can’t figure out why-”

“Finn told me.” Artie cut him off. Kurt went still and Artie watched him carefully. He might not be one of the girls, but he considered Kurt one of his closest friends, and this was something that he thought needed to be addressed. “Told me he pushed you and threw a lamp at you.”

“Right.” Kurt said and Artie narrowed his eyes a little, because Kurt pretty much admitted to being manhandled, and he’s never done that before.

“Is that why you’ve been avoiding him?” For a moment, Kurt looked like he was going to protest, insist that he wasn‘t. Instead, his shoulders just sort of slumped and he sighed.

“Yes.” And that probably upset Artie more than anything else, that Kurt doesn’t even try to deny it. That he flat out admitted he was avoiding Finn, because he hurt him, hell might be scared of him at this point. Artie couldn’t be sure, but he suddenly felt terrible.

“Let me see your arm.” Artie repeated gently, and when Kurt looked at him like he lost his mind, Artie makes an impatient motion with his hand. Slowly, Kurt pushes up the sleeve on his shirt to reveal a bruise on his forearm.

“The lamp or Finn?”

“Lamp. Look, I appreciate what you’re doing and all Artie, but I honestly don’t want to talk about it. Just give me a bit of time to figure everything out, and I’ll be fine. You know me, I’m resilient.” Kurt eased around Artie, gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze of thanks, and disappeared out the door. Artie frowned, things were not ok, and he was afraid things might get worse before they got better.


Finn managed to avoid the glee club members, until Glee the next day, and even then, he’s noticed that Artie had put a human wall around Kurt, so Finn couldn’t get particularly close to him. It isn’t until people start to shift around to talk in groups that Finn is able to slide a few chairs away from Kurt, settling in behind him. He listened a little to what Tina said, and when Kurt glanced back, Finn hated himself for the flicker of unease that flashed through his eyes.

“I want to talk about this.” Finn said quietly, and he thought he would deserve it if Kurt just ignored him forever, instead he responded with something that just hurt Finn to hear.

“There’s not much to say. I feel sorry for you, I thought you were different.” Kurt looked so upset, and his tone was one Finn had never heard directed at himself before. Kurt turned back to face the front and Tina nudged his shoulder gently a questioning look on her face.

“I am different.” Finn hissed slightly. Kurt doesn’t turn back to look at him, and when Puck asked for their help, Finn decided that he’ll have to find another way to make it up to him. He sang his part on the song, eyes trained on Kurt, who looked a little stricken the entire time, and Artie’s giving him a bit of a side eye. The rest of Glee goes on as Mr. Schue had planned, but Kurt ignored him for all of it. Finn knew a little part of a song wasn’t going to fix anything, but had hoped it would have at least made a dent.


Finn wasn’t sure why he thought the lady gaga costume would start to fix things, but he got it into his head that it would, and he convinced Brittany to help him without actually having to tell her why. So Kurt looked just as startled as Karofsky and Azimio do when he shows up. He’s thankful that the rest of the glee club shows up when they do, because Finn knew he couldn’t have taken both on the jocks. Once they hurry off, with muttered promises of returning with friends, Finn watched Kurt pull himself away from the wall.

He only half listens to what Mr. Schue said, and flat out ignored the praise that was sent his way. He waited until the others were starting to head back to the classroom before falling into step with Kurt.

“I know this can’t even begin to make up for what I did to you Kurt, but I really wanted to at least do something to show you I’m sorry, that I’m willing to try.”

“I appreciate the effort.” Kurt told him and reaches out to push at the giant red shoulder pads. “You look ridiculous.” Finn can’t help but laugh and nod.

“I know,” He squeezed one of Kurt’s shoulder pads, “But not all of us can pull off this ridiculous stuff.”

“Don’t touch.” Kurt told him as he pulled away and rolled his eyes. “Seriously Finn, who dressed you, Rachel?”

“Brittany.” Finn admitted sheepishly. “I figured I wouldn’t have to explain why I needed to dress up, because if I told anyone else, they probably would have kicked my ass.” Kurt makes a sound of amusement. “I really am sorry Kurt, I have a history of bottling things up and then it erupts like some big rage-y volcano, and I’m so sorry for what I did.”

“I know you are Finn, but you need to give me a little time.” Kurt said gently, they paused outside the classroom, and Artie shot Finn and meaningful look before going in.

“Did…did I hurt you?”

“A little bit. I’ll live.” Finn frowns, because he had known, he must have hurt the other boy, but to have Kurt actually confirm it, made him feel even worse. Finn was so much bigger than Kurt, what the hell had he been thinking? “Didn’t help that Karofsky and Azimio kept slamming me around all week either.” Kurt continues.

“Those guys are dicks, I’m sorry they did that.” Finn shifted uncomfortably, and ended up tugging on Kurt’s sleeve to get away from the door. He was sure they could miss just this one rehearsal.

“Yes, well it’s nothing that I haven’t dealt with before. They shouldn’t have pushed Tina though.”

“They shouldn’t have pushed either one of you.” Finn corrected. “I shouldn’t have pushed you either, and I really shouldn’t have thrown that lamp, because you could have gotten several kinds of messed up because of that.”

“Well, it happened, and dwelling on it doesn’t help, I always kind of expect the jocks to push me into something… but, I trusted you, Finn. I trusted that you wouldn’t hurt me and you did. As much as I appreciate what you’re doing now, I still need to rationalize that.”

“That’s cool, I mean, whatever you need to do man, I just want to be friends again…if you want to.” He tacked on quickly.

“Thank you, Finn.” Kurt cast a critical eye over him, before he frowned. “Now please tell me you have other clothes, because you are so not rocking this look.”

“I think I look awesome.” Finn said, though it’s clear by his voice, he was kidding. He was well aware of how ridiculous he looked. Kurt was talking to him though, even if it was a bit more subdued than usual, and he was willing to go with that.

“Well you don’t. You look like a bad drag queen.” Something about that is just hysterical to Finn, because Kurt is wearing like space hooker boots, and he’s telling Finn he looks like a drag queen…which ok, maybe was kind of true.

“Well then help me change, because I think Brittany glued me into this thing.”

“Finn,” Kurt sounded exasperated. “Listen, next time you decide you want to do something like this, even if it is to make something up to me, come to me. I won’t glue you into anything…well I probably won’t.”

“That’s great buddy, thanks.” Finn says a little sarcastically, but it made Kurt smile, so Finn grinned as well.

“Yes, well come on then, let’s get you out of this…thing…that is suppose to be gaga.”

“Thanks man.” Finn says trailing after Kurt, and they just reach the bathrooms, before Kurt hesitated.

“I can just undo the back here and wait for you if you want, or I can get someone else, if you’d prefer…” Finn knew this was an important part of recovering their friendship, and he knew he needed to trust Kurt, so he just shook his head.

“Nah, I don’t care.” He tugged Kurt in behind him, and because of his boots, Kurt is actual to reach the back easily enough. Once they get Finn out of his red gown, (He was thankfully wearing his jeans and a t-shirt underneath) he turns to Kurt and sits down on the sink. “So how do I get this off my face?” Kurt wets down a few paper towels and hands them over to Finn.

“Just use a paper towel to get most of it off for now, you’ll probably need something else to get it all off, I probably have something at home…if you want that is.”

“That would be great thanks.” The two lapsed into a slightly uneasy silence, but while a little uneasy, it wasn’t exactly uncomfortable. Finally Finn broke the silence with a question that’s he has been wanting to ask him all week. “Kurt?”


“Just how did you get so good at walking in those heels?”

Kurt just responded with a laugh, and while Finn knew they had a long way to go, and he wasn’t sure if he could ever really make up for physically hurting him, Finn thought that they were off to a good start.

kurt, rating: pg-13, angst, finn, fic, artie, glee club

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