Fic: Understand

May 06, 2010 20:42

Title: Understand ( Read more... )

carole, burt, kurt, rating: r, glee club, santana, angst, fic, finn

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Warning: Long comment ahead. alter_alterego May 7 2010, 05:21:49 UTC
I now understand what it is to "flail." I'm damn sure that's what just happened over here.

I'm always thrilled when my lovely LJ account let's me know that you've posted something to your page, so I was already in good spirits when I headed over here. But when I clicked on the linked prompt at the start of the story...
...that was MY prompt. MY promt. You filled MY prompt.

Rofro filled my prompt and I had a complete (happy) freak out. To see you tackle it as well? I imagine this is what it feels like to win the lottery... twice.

I'm so glad you posted your own take; it may have come from the same prompt, but it was its own unique and heartbreaking story.

I love that the missed event was car restoration; it makes it especially poignant that Burt misses it, as it is obviously something Kurt does to spend time with his dad, and not for his own interests.

Bonus points for a longtime employee who feels protective of Kurt. :)

Double bonus points for including Santana. I ended up loving your choice to use her as the person who discovers Kurt. Because she IS so brash/bitchy on the outide, her uncharacteristic panic and hysteria made me realize just how bad off Kurt was. (Plus? I admit to loving it when other characters are given a chance to interact with --fine, admit their friendship/respect for/protective feelings for--Kurt.)

Your Carole was wonderful. She knew when to be there for Kurt, and when she (and Finn) needed to give him space, or time with his dad. I'm so glad that neither you nor Ro made the Hudsons look like villains, though the potential was there. I ended up liking mother/son so much in this fic.

As for the Hummels? Your Burt/Kurt interactions were heartbreaking and real. (Bonus bonus points for the idea of drugged up, emotionally open Kurt. That is so true or certain medicines, and yet I don't think I've come across it in a fic.) Kurt's insistance that he "understands"--even when he's clearly hurting... Oof. My poor heart. And Burt realizing how long Kurt's been laboring under the assumptions that his dad hasn't been happy with just him, the "wrong" type of son.

I hope I hope I hope the writers of the show can approach this wonderful/difficult relationship with half as much insight and grace.

And oh yeah: thanks for the fill. :)


Re: Warning: Long comment ahead. totalgleekgirl May 7 2010, 19:47:05 UTC
You're flailing around all over the place! You know, you don't have to anon when you post prompts, This one was really good.

Ah Jimmy, he's been floating around in my head for a while, he might show up again in Eight Days a Week, if I can ever get it to work.

I didn't see how I could villianize the Hudson's. It wasn't really Finn's fault, and Carole just seems like she's so sweet and loving.

Haha Drugged up Kurt, based one meeee! I'm doing that now. Seriously. Michelle thinks it's hysterical.

Yes though, the conversations between Burt and Kurt were a little heartbreaking for me. So I'm glad you liked them.

Aw, you're so sweet!

Thanks hun, and I'm SO glad you liked it!


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