Jul 28, 2005 14:08
So here i am again.
Found another internet cafe. Whoo.
Well i had something important to say, but i forgot. Bugger it.
London has been, well, awesome. I can't believe i'm leaving in a few days, it's going to be awful. It's interesting seeing it's effect on me though, being home that is. I think, weirdly enough this month has made me less mature or something. Maybe not less mature, but i've reverted back to being more like a kid again, and that's cool. Basically, i think being at home made me relax more and i stopped over analyzing stuff and needing reasurrance of some kind all the time. Whatever happened, it's good. So first thing i did this morning was get to a pc and delete all my old saved emails. I know this sounds wierd, but all those stupid emails were just that, stupid. Dumb fights that i picked with people and had to sort out through a load of angry or sentimental shit. Don't know what it was, but i'm so over it now. I think, highschool drama, is way too much bother. There's only so many arguments i can handle. So i'm adopting a new policy. No more getting worried because someone doesn't talk to me for a few weeks, no more flipping out because someone said something stupid that i know they never meant. Enough already. Maybe this is only going to last while i'm home. But i still think something about being back re affirmed that this is where my home is, and always will be. So it gives me an anchor or something. Before it was always, oh yeah, London, home i suppose. But now there isn't a question mark. Which in some ways gives you something to hang on, knowing where it is that is home. Now this is only so much babbling. But i think it's important and it needs to be said. From here on, there aren't anymore grudges. Whatever it is that i held against people, i'm letting it go. There's always that part of you that wants to throw old arguments back in people's faces, but i'm letting it go. Or at least, i'm trying to. SO. If i had a fight with you about anything, or complained to you about something, or even if it was just me trying to make up for things with some sentimentality, forget it. It's officially wiped off the record. (yes, that includes nice things i may have said because chances are i was backing out of a tight corner.) So yes, i'm starting again, so y'all are gonna have to deal with that. Well that was weird. But whatever. Bye now.