Hello from London

Jul 23, 2005 19:30

Hey Guys,
So i thought i'd say hi. (And yes i'm lazy and this is a group email. Think of it as a newsletter.) Well first things first i suppose. Terrorists and Bombs. That's really the main news. Firstly i should let you all know i'm fine even after the new developments of yesterday (i know, once again, cancel the parties.) On the whole i'm not too worried. Terrorism looks set to become a fact of life in London, and if they want to try and scare us all they can just keep trying. No one is going to bring this city to it's knees. So from nail bombs that didn't go off to suicide bombers having a magazine unloaded into their head in front of commuters I am pleased to say it hasn't had the desired effect. After the first bombs it was kind of weird for everyone. Now they've tried 3 times. It seems to have sunk in but still the tube is running as normal for me (on the central line). Long term i don't know what's going to happen. There really is no way to stop it. But every time i hear another piece of news about terrorists attacking i get a little bit more angry. So far it seems there has been relatively little backlash and racial tension, but it remains to be seen whether the continuous attacks will start to affect this. On the whole everyone seems determined but people are getting mad. Very pissed off londoners.
So enough of bombs and terror. The film course. Well it's going brilliantly. First thing when i get home is to find a good brand of digital camera and ask for it for my 18th. As it stands, college is set to go out the window. I'm really considering moving to NY and doing a 2 year film course there. I think at this point that would be a good idea. But it would REALLY piss me off not being legal there. So we'll see. Maybe i'll do a course somewhere here. Whatever happens i'm studying film. Screw history. I figure, i'll study film, make films, and then see where that takes me. Try to get a few shorts into the Cork festival and that kind of thing generally. The course is amazing fun, just got back my continuity and i have to say the colours are popping like crazy. Ok so in normal language, looking good. Oh and i got my stalker pics of Byron. They're so funny. (Byron being our TA and kind of general punk rocker. Very cool. (also hot. Hence choosing him for the photos!)) Apart from that i have my final shoot this coming monday and then my screening on friday. All's beautiful in the land of film.
So i'm just killing some time before going to a movie. I've gotten over the whole "i can't go to a movie on my own" thing. Too many good movies not enough time. Besides, if you go to a movie, you don't talk. You just watch. In fact, you will hate me when i get back because i either have to talk through the movie about shot choices, or scream at people to shut the hell up so i can take in the music and it's impact on the visuals. That's what over 25 hours of film making theory will do to you. I'd recommend the course to anyone, anywhere, that loves movies. Or even, just likes em. It's the best. Anyway i should really go now. Typing is cramping my hands.
laters. And have a good summer.
Rock and roll.
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