PH Retrace 62 (and it's about time)

Jun 28, 2011 23:56

I said I would post this today so here you go.

So this isn't an official discussion (if it was it would have come out a week ago) ^^' So this is going to have much fangirling and I'll try to keep the keyboard smashing to a minimum. I don't think there's anyone on my f-list who dislikes GilOz... but just to be safe, if you don't like it, CLICK AWAY NOW.
Telling you ahead of time, I'm too tired and lazy to hunt through the whole entire manga to fill this discussion with links like I normally do. Be happy that I cut two images for you.

Now! To start:

I didn't realize that the day I would find Oz sexy would come so soon, but it has. I guess it has something to do with his recent growth as a character. It makes him seem less childlike, so it's easier for me to be attracted to him. On that note: OZ. WET YOUR FACE MORE OFTEN.

"You should leave more work for your servant." Gil says. "Waking you up, helping you get dressed and stuff." ...Wait, what?! Can we hear that one again? I could have sworn Gil just said he wants to help Oz change his clothes. As in, taking off the old ones and putting on the new ones (and whatever they choose to do in between). Gil wants to help with that. djsahfudhfk. I know its typical servant stuff, but not when you're Gilbert Nightray. hduashfilf. Oh Gilbert.

I'm not going to quote everything. Probably just innuendo. And then Gil says, "Last night you couldn't seem to fall asleep. And then you woke up early this morning." Did he now? Let me ask you this: HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT, GIL? How do you know, not that Oz stayed up late, but that he had trouble falling asleep? That requires some pretty close watching, Gil. And from what vantage point was this? I need to know. I mean, I had assumed that they were sleeping in separate rooms... but apparently you never know with these two!!

Oz wants to be treated as an adult, but Gil just thinks it's cute. Okay, my heart just exploded into a million little tiny hearts that fly around my head. Can I have that fic now, please? If I wasn't buried under such a mountain, I'd write it myself. Maybe I'll take this to the kink meme...

"Hurry up, Papa!" "That name brings back [bad] memories!" You guys all remember that scene back in chapter 5, don't you?
Whether you do or not, I feel compelled to direct you to this video. It's short, don't worry.

Nice dress, Sharon. Very cute. Everyone's got new clothes now! Maybe it signifies a new stage in the storyline...?

That scene with Break and Sharon was adorable. Points for Sharon being a strong woman! I've really grown to love her. I didn't care for her at all at first, because she didn't seem important to me. Sensei wasn't giving us any significant information about her, so I figured she was just.... meh. And, I think it was in the Crown of Clown chapter, when she resolved to be strong for Break and for herself, that I started to like her. And it's grown ever since! :D And now she's giving the Red Eyed Ghost a talking to and a shoulder to lean on like a strong, sophisticated woman! :D

So uselessness is contagious? And Gil's spreading it around? Lol *snort* I-I mean, aw, everyone picks on my darling... *pats Gil* ):

Oz, why do you all of a sudden need to loosen your tie on page 18? When you talk about the seal... you know, the one on your chest... What does that have to do with your tie, hmm? Well, he has taken his clothes off to show Gil the seal before... And one of the times Gil took them off himself (he was too impatient to wait for Oz to do it. If Oz hadn't made that hurtful comment, maybe he would have gotten some)...
And then when Gil tells him to take it off (he's been trying to get Oz naked all day) Oz calls him a freak and refuses, like he hadn't been dropping some not-so-subtle hints with the loosening of his tie... As a matter of fact, in one of the translations I read, Oz went so far as to call Gil a pervert...
And the way he's kneeling... it's very interesting because Gil's always the one who does the kneeling. ALWAYS. And now Oz is kneeling, and talking about something so important as the seal. I really don't know what could be happening here, but I keep getting the feeling that this image will mean something later.

And this whole scene with Alice sitting on the wall, does that remind anyone else of that one chapter where Gil tells about Oz's father-issues?

Speaking of which, let's talk about Alice. Up until veery recently, I did not like Alice. I loved her at the beginning because she was just so cool, and I love badass females. But then Sensei starts focusing on other characters and not Alice. And then she focuses on and gives characterization and depth to nearly everyone but Alice. I found this weird, since she was supposed to be the main heroine. Eventually I grew to believe that maybe Sensei had trolled us once again and that maybe Alice was only meant to be a plot-device, because that was all she was doing. So there was no reason for me to feel anything special for her; she just wasn't interesting. And then recently (I honestly can't remember what chapter started it), I started thinking that there just might be more to Alice than what Sensei had given us thus far... But I still didn't care for her. And then this chapter came out. And, tada! Thank you, Sensei! Thank you for giving us strong female characters who can hold their own and have lovely and deep (although belated) personalities! :D
So yes, Alice now interests me. Officially. And to celebrate, I went out and got myself an icon of her! Woohoo! Look! *points*

And, oh look! Let's add Alice to my group of characters who extended their left arms reaching out as if to help someone up.

...In other news, Oz Vessalius has just been...

~Touched by an Angel~

HO SHIT, LEO! HOW DID YOU GET HERE!? And what's with the wings and feathers? What do they mean? Some of them were white, and some were black, it seemed. That's new. Somebody was just using their chain... I know it wasn't Vincent's so it must be yours, Leo~. So.... What's your chain, and what else can it do?

Because of the way Sensei portrays it on page 29, I think that Leo was definitely not visible to anyone other than Oz. Actually, I think that Oz and Leo may have been in their own little... dimension? totally separate from the restaurant. But Oz's body was still in the restaurant. If that makes sense. Kind of like the way that Oz was literally in Alice's room in chapter 1, but at the same time he was still standing at Lacie's grave with Gil. This theory is still very shaky, I'm not sure if I support it 100% yet... I'll need more info from the next chapter. But I do know that Leo was using his chain to make that cool little magic trick.

And on page 30, Gil senses that something's up. Interesting.

"I've come for you" And then Sensei asks, "What hides within those words?" Sensei, are you explicitly telling me that that statement means something...? Because I don't know what it means.
I'm not sure if I like short-hair!Leo, but I guess I'll get used to him...

Oh gee, and here I thought this post was going to be short...

discussion, ozbert, pandora hearts, giloz, review

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