Apr 24, 2008 03:30
Whilst I recognise that drunk watching is a rather popular sport, it is not something I can ever enjoy. If you ask me, people are shit enough without chemically altering themselves so they can no longer reason well enough to realise that falling over into a pile of your own vomit is not a sign of a good night,
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy drinking, and I enjoy it when my skinny little frame sits someone down with a bottle of absinthe and shows them what being irish really means, I pride myself on my tolerance, it's much higher than anyone would expect (especially considering tales of when I first started drinking), strangely enough though, my tolerance is inversely proportioned to alcohol content, five or six beers, and I'm quite merry, five or six poitíns and I'm still sober. It's cool drinking more than people expect me to be able to but, here's the clincher, without getting drunk. If I can have three or four pints and three of four shots and a few glasses of bourbon and still be mainly sober, I'm proud of that, if some guy says 'I can drink much more than that', then has half a bottle of everything in the pub and says 'see, I told you', then collapses in a corner and dribbles bile down his top, it's not so impressive. Drinking is not cool, sobriety in the face of insurmountable odds is.
After the show tonight I went out to dinner with my family, afterward I caught up with the cast who were still out in Brady's. It was packed and people were sweating everywhere but apart from one girl who I know because every time I catch a random falling drunk in this town, it turns out to be her, people weren't over the top drunk. When Brady's were finished, we went to Supermac's. It's a curious phenomenon that no matter where in the country a drunk falls down, they always land in Supermac's. I was sitting at a table which had already been used a few dozen times that night. The people at the next table were throwing ice about, but mostly people were just being loud and drunk, and there was a sizable crowd sitting on the floor dipping their chips into the ketchup which had accumulated there. The crowd always looks the same, the larger the woman the less clothing, the whiter the shirt, the more bile, the louder the drunk, the more likely to be seen eating someone's oesophogus five minutes later.
I had to leave and stand in the rain for a while, it was far more tolerable. I may sound snobby, but the way I see it, snobbiness is thinking you're better than other people, do I think I'm better than a drunken mob? Too fucking right I do. Do I think I'm better than any one of them sober? Hell no. Do I think I'm just as bad as them when I'm drunk? Yes, I don't often get drunk because I hate the idea of being part of the crowd I'm here describing with such disdain, but the tales of me on the few times I have been locked, are tales I hate, because I'm like the people in Supermac's at 2 in the morning. I never judge people based on what they do drunk, only on what they do sober, but I don't expect people to do the same for me, if I'm a dick whilst drunk, I don't expect people to let me away with it.
After Supermac's we went to a party. It was decent, good crowd, no falling down drunks, but then Kev, one of the people who lived there, came downstairs, neighbours complaining, party's over. Guitar's immediately got put away, after about five minutes I found my jacket and went outside to wait with a couple of people I knew for the house to empty and move on to the party down the road, which seemed to be the general consensus. Half an hour later I was still waiting outside, Kev was coming down from his room every five minutes to try and get people to leave, but Kev's far too nice a guy, he was asking politely, people needed to be yelled at and kicked out. Eventually Leona went in and announced a party at hers, got people she knew to go, which caused enough of a stir for people to leave, and just stand in the street. A large drunken crowd hanging out in the front garden, for it was truly a drunken crowd at this point, some people weren't leaving because they were too busy necking bottles of vodka, some people weren't leaving because they weren't sober enough to walk. Eventually I stood at the end of the road and started calling, 'Come on! Party this way!' whilst Leona was amongst the crowd convincing them to move along, and slowly but surely, they did move, once pretty much everyone was headed toward the party I headed that way myself, I rounded the first corner to find three guys pissing against the wall, I walk on a bit more to find a guy tripping over a car.
I decided I'd had enough, although I was open to the idea of a party at Leona's, the people at that party would be either drunk, or just enough of a dickhead that they didn't have the courtesy to leave the first house when they were asked.
I came home instead.
So yeah, people are rubbish, and this is blindingly obvious when they are drunk.
Tomorrow night is the cast party after closing night of the show, people are going to get drunk, I trust pretty much everyone in the show to be a fine drunk, I can't help but be a little bit anxious though. That said, the worst drunk there may well be me, unless they have bourbon of course.
people are rubbish,