State of the Pups time is it? Wow, it is.
Is okay overall. She's dealt with the wedding date coming and going, Jackson is seven months old now and starting to turn into a little person rather than just a baby. She has her friends around, and she's throwing herself into her lab work a little more heavily than usual. Shan is right, she's gone back to being early season one Tosh. She's closed herself off except for those who know her well, she doesn't want to take chances. I think that's going to come out a bit more in the next month or so, and her trying to deal with it. Needs a thread with Ianto, especially now that Hiro's come back, with Harry again, I fell she and Gwen need to talk, because I think it's Gwen or Jack that are going to get her out of this shell she's creating around herself. Also needs moar Ray.
Dave's leaving is going to hit her harder than Beth's did. Not because she cares more, but because this is happening to her again. She's always told herself that this is a way of life, that this was something she was used to, but after being on the island for over a year it's harder. It's not the wraith taking people anymore, it's random, and it hurts in a way loss didn't on Athos. She's going to be getting her item and figure something else big at the end of September. Before then I'm going to try and throw her out a bit, and have an Ep with her in the Counseling office. She's going to have to give up her building work as well, I need to email Sarah about that.
Oh man. The ramifications of her actions are going to come tumbling down on her and soon. I need to email Manda, because Chase is the only person who knows the truth of Silence that she's told (and even Silence doesn't know that, yet) and it's going to panic her when she figures things out. But also make her insanely happy, causing a HEAP of guilt. Threads with all religious pups wanted, kthx, and Hobbes
Had a fairly quiet month, for Lucy. That's alright, she's been settling in with her family. No plot, we have the next round of items coming up soonish (date tbd still I think?) and that will excite her. Lucy doesn't need a lot of plot. I want to tag her into old friends this next month.
GO ME! I blame the pain of the cyst thing, I forgot Donald the first go-round. Donald is... Donald. Life is up in the air. Logan is touchy right now, he worries they're too different and he made the wrong choice. I need to finish that thread with Josh. SARAH COME BACK TO ME. Guy, well, they are having civil conversation. They need to do something stupid, and soon. Anthony is needed for chess.
TOGA TOGA TOGA! Really, she has the event she's been waiting for happening. I'm excited, and so is she. How she gets anyone to agree to do things for her when she's such a brat is beyond me. She has the occasional companionship of Jack, but she's still lonely. She needs to actually make friends (other than Sasan and Jack), a hard thing for a woman who doesn't trust easily and wants to be catered to. Laine, were we going to have catfight sometime soon? I also want her to thread with Chuck. She's not my loudest pup, but she has a place and her voice is persistent. It's good.
Well, I had a wobbly beginning of month with him. He has a very specific voice, and I'm glad I gave him a week off. He's not a pup I can force, and it's best just accepting that. He's going to get his ass kicked with football, have more fun with baseball, and get a dance with Ainsley that will only confuse him. He's still pissy with the Spies, but something Shadow said to him made him think he needs to fix things with Josh. Vi, we never did finish the last thread with Nancy
1) Project Mango must happen.
2) Drunken passed out almost telling secrets Olive = funtimes.
3) Secret telling Olive will be soon. Post Project Mango
4) She has a crush. On Crews
Anyone wanting to thread with Olive, let me know. She is happy to talk to everyone and anyone. ALL OF THE TIME.
The whirlwind. The first two weeks of September it's all falling apart from her. She'll start threatening Serena, show Octavia the video, Chuck and Blair will catch her in the act of trying to drug S again (possibly with Maud's help, oh and I don't think either Jason or Tim will be talking to her. She's going to disappear after she tries to drug S and gets turned over to IPD, after S gets a chance to confront her, and her raccoon tears fail her.
Comeuppance feels so good sometimes. Even when it's being handed to your pup.
The Future:
Lyla got knocked back, but that's cool There were gaps in her personality, and I've redone parts of the app and will resubmit next month. Q4 I'll be apping Bill Guarnere so we'll see how that goes. Q1 of next year is likely Dan Humphrey unless someone else jumps him first.