inaction is an action all into it self

May 01, 2007 14:43

News Corp is trying to buy the Dow Jones Co.  News Corp owns a plethora of communication outlets: news channels, news papers, film companies, and websites, some of which include Fox News Network, the New York Post and myspace.

The Dow Jones Co. is a large corporation that also owns many news and consumer media outlets, yet the Dow Jones is best known for providing investor information and for printing the Wall Street Journal.

If News Corp were to own the Dow Jones Co., News Corp would not own the stock market, but they would have control of the stock market most important information outlet, and the means by which people make choices about investments.  Why does this matter to us? Because we are -or have the potential to be- the people they are trying to manipulate.  We are the people they are trying to screw over.  News Corp is, and has been for some time, attempting to monopolize the way in which we gain information to make informed purchases by controlling all media outlets (TV, printed news, internet and now the Dow Jones). This is a monopoly and we are the ultimate victims of monopoly.  We the people have the right to put a stop to it. There are antitrust laws that protect us.

I know we question if an email will make a difference, but it is worth trying.  Our complacency, sinicism and social neglect is our Nations greatest enemy and News Corp's best weapon.   Please do something, don't just sit there while we are getting crewed over, send an email firmly expresing your opposition to this merger!!!

Please email

The Federal Communication Commission


The Department of Justice

For more information:

Look at the companies that are owned by News Corp [move your mouse across the top bar that reads filmed entertainment, TV , Cable , direct broadcast, etc and click on each to see a list of companies owned.]

Check out the Federal Communication Commission website

The Department of Justice Anti-trust concerns division

Check out the Dow Jones website so you can see all that News Corp. would be getting a hold of if the transaction went through.

NPR news link
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