Snowy Tuesday

Mar 02, 2010 13:02

It's snowing out...or at least it was last I checked. I have an interior office- no windows, so if I want to look outside I have to get up and walk to a window. From what I hear, it's not supposed to accumulate, the ground's not cold enough, but people are getting all worked up abut it as usual anyway. I kind of wish we would get one last big slam of a storm; it would be nice to get a day off.

The weekly AP college basketball rankings came out yesterday...Syracuse is #1...whoo! There are 2 more regular-season games, then the Big East tournament, and then the NCAA's. It should be a pretty interesting March. Hopefully with a good outcome, not disappointment. As long as they make it to the Sweet 16 or better, I'll be okay with it. It's just those early-round losses to the high-seed teams that kill me.

It's almost time for lunch. The microwave in our breakroom died, and now we have to use the one in the hallway, which is sort of a pain. I've been trying to avoid bringing lunches that require heating, but I really want my Kashi Sweet & Sour Chicken today.

syracuse, food, sports, weather, work

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