Feb 01, 2010 00:38
Work is closed tomorrow, so I do get a day off out of this weather thing after all. I guess I could be watching tonight's episode of Big Love, which is currently recording on HBO-West. When it originally came on at 9 I watching Family Guy and DVRing Desperate Housewives. But Frank's downstairs working on a class project, so I'll give him some space. Yes, we only have one TV. I know, go back to Walnut Grove, Laura Ingalls.
Today was the teddy bear hand-off with the ex-husband. It went pretty well. We met for lunch at Mimi's and spent about an hour catching up. He's spending most of his time in China these days, but will most likely be moving back to Charlotte (with the family) in 2 years, and has already bought a house. He seems happy. He also seemed impressed that I've been at my job for over five years. I'm glad we were both able to move on with our lives so easily after the divorce.
After spending yesterday stuck at home all day it felt nice to get out today. Which is funny, because lots of weekends, all I want to do it barricade myself inside on Friday night and not have to leave until Monday morning. But I guess I only like that when it's my choice not to go anywhere. Last night when I was watching the local news (yeah...) they were saying it probably wasn't going to get above freezing all day, and people were better off not going out at all, and I was like, "ah, crap," because I just wanted to get out and meet Mike and get that over with, since he'd be flying out on Monday. But when I got up this morning, I could hear the ice melting off the roof. The parking lot was slightly slick, but once I got out on the real roads, they were fine, just a little slushy in spots. Plus since most people appeared to still be staying home, there weren't many other cars on the road. And it was really bright and sunny, so it was quite pretty.
But now I guess all that melted ice and slush has frozen back up, and will continue to be that way through morning, which was why work and most other schools and places already decided tonight that they'd stay closed through tomorrow. I'm sure by lunchtime the roads will be fine, so maybe Frank & I will go out to lunch or something, maybe do some shopping?