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Jun 17, 2012 22:39

My sister and I went fishing with our dad this morning for Father's Day. I used to go fishing all the time as a kid, stopped in my teenage years when I was old enough to need a license and never bothered getting one, and I swear, I was not this squeamish about certain aspects of fishing as a kid as I was today. Like pulling worms in half and spiking them on the hook. I did it today, but I was D: -facing the entire time. On the first fish I caught the hook didn't snag on it's mouth, it somehow went through the skin of the fish's eye socket (not the eyeball, thank god, and the fish swam away fine when we let it go), and I was like OH MY GOD HOW DID I DO THIS AS A KID. I kept apologizing to the fish (though to be fair my dad did the same thing when he dropped a fish on the rocks after unhooking it - immediately went, "Oh, sorry!" and pushed the fish back in the water. I get it from him.)

We were releasing everything we caught but one of my sister's catches died and...well neither my sister nor I eat fish/meat, but I guess we're eating trout tonight? I've sort of jokingly held that if I kill an animal myself I'll eat it, and I guess this is close enough. Our dad sent us home with a dead trout and instructions on how to clean and prepare it. I helped cut off its head. I slit open its belly and my sister pulled out the guts. I know this is a "what's the big deal?" thing for tons of people, but I haven't even cooked meat in 10 years let alone prepared a dead animal. I guess after all that I might as well take a bite of the thing.
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