(no subject)

May 27, 2012 19:12

In less than a week I'm going to Philadelphia Comic Con, then immediately after I'm leaving for vacation. So a week of packing and herding all my crap into manageable, portable chunks ahead.

Vacation is not the most thrilling thing - house- and cat-sitting for a week for family - it'll be a nice change of location, and I'll get to relax on my own. Even if I end up hanging in the house on the computer, it will be a different house! It's in the Washington DC area, so this week I will also be looking up stuff to do around there. I hope to find some interesting do-able things outside the museums & touristy parts, more in the city since I'll have the time to linger and explore (and I will happily take recommendations from people who know the area!). Braving an unfamiliar public transportation system alone should be fun and terrifying.

And Comic Con next Saturday with doctor_anon! It'll be the second time I've been to this con and the second time I've been to a con at all. Last time I was very shy about approaching artists and vendors so I hope to get over that this year and get some cool stuff. The family and I are leaving for vacation the same evening so I'll have to leave the con early, will miss the costume contest, but I'm excited. I'm interested to see how it's changed since two years ago.
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