That was satisifying enough, I just had to share the experience.
So as most of you know, I was intended to be third genoration law enforcement.
Dad's been a cop and other cop realted feilds (DOC, Child Protective Serivices, Drug & Alcholal Councler at local juvie, etc and so forth) for all my life, and his dad before him was a judge. I was gunna be the first fed (criminal psychology/profiling), before I got sick. In more recent years, that mantle instead fell to the more logical choice of my older brother.
Geoff's hopes of joining the forestry service were dashed after his accident last year, and it'll be five years after the accident (four left) before he's alowed to apply again. Turns out, though, he can still enter law enforcement.
For safty reasons, I don't usualy say what my dad's actual job is. Too many people at the local level read this, and in theory, it could put him or his partners in danger. So I just use the genoral term "cop" to cover what he does. Feb 2nd he left his prevous "cop" job for a new "cop" job.
Two weeks ago? Geoff took over his old cop job a few towns over. Exact same position Dad started out in a few years back.
Today was the first day he came over since starting.
Which means, today was the first round of Baccon jokes!
Oh lord, does Dad regreat teaching me baccon jokes as a kid. He had no idea he'd end up as a cop, and I gave him hell with 'em once he did. Now it's Geoff's turn.
I started him off easy. He asked me how I've been doing this week, so I replied I had been doing fine until the smell started. So logicaly, he looked confused, and asked, "What smell?"
As soon as he said it, you could see his mind go, "oh shit, that was a stright line..."
"That....baccon smell." I turned to Dad next to me and asked, "Don't you smell it?"
Geoff went bright red within seconds. Mostly, I think, because he should have seen that one comeing a mile away. ::snickering::
First day Dad was a cop, I took him out for donuts and coffee. I'm too sick to do that with Goeff, so verbal assults'll have to do for now.
I love my family. ::still laughing::
(For the record, it's been a week, and Geoff's new boss has yet to realise he's the one who's been leaving the bright pink donuts on his desk every morning. ::LOL!!::)