Dec 06, 2008 09:04
Just got off the phone with mom, she called from the hospital. Dad was going to wait 'til he woke up and get her around Noon, like the doctors asked him too. Yeah, Mom wants to go now. Dad's getting dressed, he'll get her within an hour or so.
They desided to keep her for an extra day for her own good. I think they'd want to keep her longer, but they techinicaly can't without makeing up reasons. You see, the second day there, Mom desided to take a walk...
Up a flight of stairs...
And back down again...
The nurses shot her up with morphine after that and kept her in bed all night. Wouldn't suprise me if they locked her in once she was asleep. ::shakes head:: I sware, I've never heard of a worse pashent then mom. Every bloody time.
I think Dad even tried to warn the nurses she'd do that, but I doubt they either believed him or listened. They never do. ::sighs:: ::shakes head forlornly::
Dad has the upstairs setup as much as possible for her to get around comfterbuly, because lord knows, she's not gunna stay in bed. He got a Hollywood bed (one that moves up and down and sits up, like in the hospital) and propped the whole thing up on a bunch of blocks, so she dosn't have to sit or actualy stand to get in and out of bed, just sorta rest and swing her legs up. I convinced him (mostly) to not bother trying to antsipate where she'd wanna sit in the livingroom, garonteed she's gunna change her mind a few times, and if he tries to set up the chair we know she prefures, first thing she's gunna say is, "Why did you do that, I hate that chair? I never sit there..."
So the house is just cleaned (somewhat, hard to clean a construction zone) past that, not really re-arranged more then to make room for her to amble past on a walker (which I assume they're going to try to make her use).
I'll update again once I see her. I didn't get to visit her in the hospital, because everytime I tried to go, they dosed her with morphine, and zoned her out. Spoke to her on the phone a few times, but she mostly just fell back to sleep because of the morphine. She hates, truly hates morphine because the first time she had it, she had truly horrific halusiations about eyeballs meling and sliding down the walls around her, hudreds of them. But she seems to be doing okay on it now, so LORD I hope they send some home with her! Oh, lordie, would it be wonderful to have something on hand that would knock her out and make her rest, and not juts bring down the pain level to a point where she feels well enough to do anything like exorsise and cook and clean. ::grumbling facepalm of experience::
If they don't, I may see if Geoff has any left over from his accident, he hated to use it to so stopped early. Maybe I can grind it up and slip it into her potatoes...
In other and totaly unrelated news, I have my DVR back. Comcast promaced me 13 months free use because of how many times they fucked up insntalations at the rental. Then when we moved back here, they demanded it back, and I didn't want to fight it, because we don't have digital cable or the full package here, so It'd cost me more to have that installed and it's not worth it to me.
So dad took the whole lot back yesterday, both Cable Boxes (including my DVR), the internet router, the remotes, the wires, the works...then he came back, gave me mine back, and said that apprently this house is set up for digital cable, including the full channels package! WTF? Seriously?!?
Apprently we've been paying for it the whole time, but Comcast never bothered to tell us, or give us cableboxes! So in theroy, all I have to do is hook it up, and I can go back to watching LOGO and Night Court reruns.
I'll do that this afternoon while Mom's takeing a nap and let you guys know.
Okay, if I'm gunna get any writing done, I'd better get it in fast. I don't think I'll be in much of a mind set to write Nick & Cody Go To The Prom while getting up and down to get Mom water and pills and food and no, she isn't hungry, just water, and why did I bring her more water, she alerady has some, no, she's hungry, no don't bother, she'll get up and make it herself, she knows what she likes, and why did I get up, I'm not hungry, I'll just get a glass of water.......