First up: Surgry.
Mom's first knee surgry is on Wednesday. Well, her first knee replacement surgry is on Wednesday. They're doing the left leg. Right knee will follow in six months to a year. She goes in for her pre-surgry tests in a few hours, and then will have to stay in hospital for about three days afterwords. Apparently she has done something to piss Danika off. She does not know what, so it'll fall to me to take care of her, which I do not have a problem with.
I'm really not all that stressed about this surgry. She needs it, I've been saying that longer then she has. This is a good thing.
In fact, I won't even be here when she goes in, which I do feel a little bad over. Tuesday is the Guild Chrismas Party, which I promaced up and down to people there that I'd attend (probably with yet more cornbread in tow), and even Krista is takeing Susan to show off. And my back just will not make that drive both to and from Seattle in one day. So I'll be staying Tuesday night at Krista's. Which I don't really want to do, since I'm still kinda pissed at her about July. So I may say "fuck it" and drive home anyhow if I find her inssurferable. But I wanna see Susan. Without any compotishion. ::snickers::
So I'll go up to the Guild party on Tuesday, Mom'll go into Surgry Wednesday morning, I'll come home Wednesday afternoon or evening, and Mom'll come home sometime around Friday or Sat, depending on her healing...probably Friday...Thursday if someone dosn't keep an eye on her at all times.
Compleatly apropos of nothing else, the results of my Happy Birthday Sparkly Text Poll...turns out, more people like it then hate it. But I did have one person say they hated it, and I hate to have something that someone hates. So despite the fact that the majority said they love it, I may do something, like a just the size, so it's not quite much. We'll see. Next up is Skip's birthday, and I promaced him the full works, so he'll get the usual, but past that, I'm not sure yet. I don't think I have anyone else on book 'til the New Year...
In other and also toatly unrelated news, I changed the quote in my sidebar. I've deside to try one full year where I post a new quote on the 1st of each month (or there abouts). Last month I did this, too, but forgot to say anything.
So for those who missed it because they only read my posts on their own flist, last month's quote was :
"Never judge a book by its movie."
-J. W. Eagan
And this month's quote is:
"An author is a fool who, not content with boring those he lives wtih, insists on boring future genorations."
-Charles de Montesquieu
I thought the quote was appreoprate considering December is the season of one of the most awful bores, Charles Dickens and the dredded "A Christmas Carol".
In a sadly related topic...I've started writing in a third new fandom. Riptide. My first finished fic is in the hands of the beta, and I'm debating wether or not to also claim it as a Small Fandoms Fest fic so I can get more eyes on it. It actualy fits two prompts, so reallly the question is "which does it fit better?"
Tinx_R, before you ask, no, I did not want you to beta this one, because I wanted it to be a suprise gift. You got me into the fandom, it's only fair you should get something nice in return. So you can help me beta my other one, the Stutter fic, but this one is just for you.
AndeInCascade should get it back to me tonight, so I'll post it either tonight or tomorrow, depending on how many mistakes she found.
Ande is also my second beta on my DSSS fic, and she got me the edits back last night. After I make the changes, it should be good to post! Which is kinda flooring, considering how paniced I was this time a month a go, when I just thought it was due in 14 days, instead of now when it's actualy due in 14 days.
I am wondering, though, how many other peoploe are done or nearly done. Judging from my flist, not a lot. It seems like a lot of people are struggling with getting their DSSS fic written this year. I find this...intresting. Not really sure what it is past that, but it is intresting. I wonder if my slice is truly indicitive of the whole, or if my slice is squeded slightly one way? Maybe I'm a dragging influance? Though I finished, so I don't see how, this time...
* Because I can use HR lines to seporate subjects matters if I want to. ;-p
ETA: The counter guys are here installing Mom's granate countertops (which apprently they cut wrong), and I'm trying to identifye the language they're speeking to eachother in. It's either Russian, Ukrainian, or some Polish derivitive, I can't quite tell...fasinating, though. It dosn't sound quite like any of the three, but close to all of them...