The obligitory list of Things What I'm Thankful For (a short list while cornbread is in the oven):
- Writing. I'm writing like mad right now, and it feels beyond wonderful. I can't remember the last time I got so many responces to any fic as I have in the Die Hard fandom, and the responces I've gotten in Tin Man have been just brillent. I have had people memory-ing my fics! That feels fantastic, I can't even express how tariffic it feels to know people are enjoying what I enjoy doing! I have all these voices in my head, and apprently I'm doing a not half bad job of getting other people to hear them too. Incredible.
- Clay, Brian and Susan, all healthy and perfect and loving their Aunt Buddy (even if Susan can't say it yet). It's down right scarry how many things could have gone wrong with all three of them. With our fucked up genetics and Sean's unknown genetics for Susan, and Clay and Brian's mom using meth every day while pregnet...all three were crapshoots, and we all came out winners. Just incredible.
- My Health, beleive it or not. My health hasn't been good by any strech of the imagination, but it's been more or less stable these last two years, which is something I will never take for granted. I've been able to go out with friends, do events, lounge around, go to parks, make plans in advance! That last one, wow. Huge. So very thankful for stablity.
- My Appartment! Yah, like I'd ever be so ungreatful not to include that. Having my own place, my own I'd gotten so used to the idea that this was impossible. Even when my health is stable, it's not good, so after a certen point in my illness, I just accepted that I'd never be able to saftly live alone. This is...a godsend. Truly a blessing from above. This last week has been incredible! Getting to sleep when I want, eat when I want, eat what I want! Shopping for myself! Going to the store and knowing when I come home, what I left will still be there. Knowing that when I go shopping, I never ever have to buy chocolate! Or even keep it in my house! I only have one, one chocolate item in my house, and that's a little mini-personal chocolate fudge ice cream I got for company. It'll probably go to Joan or Dad, whichever visits first and wants ice cream with me. I can keep my own hours, how I like them, read, cook, shower, do laundry...all on my own terms and times. This was all stuff I mostly did before, true, but it's just not the same at all. I love it.
- Fandom. I mean, really, I don't know where I'd be in this life without Fandom. {{huggles internet}}
- Friends & Family. Because really, I don't seporate those two in my head. If your my friend, you're my family. And I just could not do this without you guys.
- The fact that it is NOT 2007 anymore!!! ::tosses confettii:: And never will be again. I made it though a whole year after '07 and lived to tell the far. ::G:: I'll count my fact, I think that's what I'm doing now...
- Books. I love books. Do I need more reason then that?
- Tenrai. See above. ::G::
- Crafts. I've now got several crafts I'm good at, stuff I am actauly proud to show off. Not juts my clay, but my Crochet, too, now, and my beadwork still, when I do it (rarely). I love that I can do these things.
There's more, there's sooo much more, but my cornbread is nearly done, and really, I could just keep going.
Thank you to all of you! This year has been a thousand times better then last year, and I know a lot of that is just simply down to you guys. Expeialy after
bitchinparty, I knew this was gunna be a good year. {{HUGS}}
Now go eat some turkey or something! It's Thanksgiving! Ritual animal scacrifice...with pie! Even if yer not American, that can't be a bad thing... ;-)