Jul 31, 2008 08:31
Okay, so Bat Update: The Bats Are Saved!! ::doing happy dance::
Dad called the exterminator, who basicly said, "No, your daughter was right." ::snort:: When Joe had first said that bats had gotten into the house, the first thing I had asked was, "Well, was the door open again? Because they probably few in because they were tracking all the bugs we have in here right now!" But Joe had insisted it wasn't open long and he was sure that wasn't it. ::eyeroll:: Shortly after that, Mom pointed out the holes in the wall, and that became the prime suspect.
But the exterenator agreed with me, no, it's almost certen they came in though the door. That many bugs in the house? Oh yah, the door, little to do doubt.
Plus, the exterimator imideatly pointed out, "Do you know how many bugs they eat every night? You really don't want to stop that!" The nice man then also explained to Dad taht the local bats we have native around here (which is what we have at the house) are partialy migritory. They move around the are depending on the curent tempritures and season. In a few weeks, the temps here will pass from the tradiationaly hottest of the season (not that you could tell at the moment), to just warm, and they'll move to their next roost.
So unless they bite someone, we keep them! WOOT!!
And thankfuly Dad told us all this (infront of witnesses!!) before the later events of the evening when yet another bat was in the house. ::LOL:: Mom and I think it was already inside, hideing behind or underneith something, they curl up into something maybe an inch wide, and can squeeze into any opening as little as a quorter inch in diamiter! So he could have been hiding anywhere.
Except for how scared Mom was, it was pretty cool, actualy. This one was about twice the size of the first three (probably about the same or a little larger then the fourth on in Mom's bed), and activly flying around and around. It just kept going in very confused circles trying to find a way out. Mom, unfourtunaly was kind in the flight path of the early circles (it kept drifting further towords the halwlay with each pass, away from her), and that really freeked her out.
Don't blame her, that thing was really huge.
It finaly landed on a window, and we got it outside, but it wasn't easy, it was pretty freeked out itself by then, and wouldn't hold still. Plus, the screen jammed on that window, so everytime one of us reached over to push the screen out, it'd come at the space we made to get our hands in, in an attempt to get out of our blocking system of yet more screens.
Honestly, we're like a Monty Pyothon rutne at this point. ::lol:: "How to catch a bat. Step one: Learn to fly." ::snickers::
Once that bat was out again, I was quick to remind Dad that the exterminator was on my side, and he'd already said infront of three other witnesses that we would just leave them alone until they move on. He was grudging, but he had to agree in the end.
Mom was less pleased. ::snickers:: I don't think I've ever seen mom so eager to move before...
So for now, the bats are safe. Mom's still freeked, Dad's on edge like you wouldn't believe, and I'm once again the only one going, "Oh Cool! BATS!" ::LOL!::
animals (not pets),