Okay, random set of updates in this post. Sort of a "where am I this week" kinda post. Keep ya all updated in my life as I haven't been on IMs much durring "peek hours". Oh, and pictures ahead beneith the cuts. Don't know why, but I seemd to feel the need for photographic evidence a lot this week...
First up,
I got a card in the mail from Ramona this week. It actualy arived on Monday (day after the mamorial), but I didn't get it 'til late Tuesday night (::eyeroll::). In it she thanks me for the lapgan (which she calls a Lap Robe). I did get to speek to her about it on Sunday, so I alerady had assurance from her that she loved it, but it's really sweet that she sent the card before that, thanking me in writing. And that really shows what a difrent era we're in now. People just don't send thank you cards anymore, or at least not for anything short of wedding presents or large amounts of cash at graduations. ::LOL::
It's actualy really sweet, she very clearly made it herself. It's a heavy weight paper, with local leaves beneith clear contact paper. It's really sweet and nicely done, she took a lot of care with trimming the contact paper and chooseing good, intact leaves with beautiful color variations. ...Only I can't look at it too long at at time because the two Vine Maple leaves both have one bent finger, and there's a hair stuck inside as well. That hair really bothers me, I'm forcing myself to not peel up the contact paper and extract it because that'd probably ruin the leaves, and even if it didn't, the contact paper would loose it's stickeyness and not wanna stay pressed down again afterwords. ::sighs::
So it's really, really lovely and sweet, and I'm defiantly gunna keep it...I just can't look at it, or think about it at all... ::LOL:: Welcome to the world of ODC, everobody. Pull up a chair...just make sure they're all lined up in neat rows, evenly spaced, and try to keep it an odd number, please and thank you.
Huh, okay, and that's odd. I was gunna make a comment about her hand writing, as it reminds me a lot of Geoff's, actualy, and my own a little, so I opened it up again to take another look, and it finaly struck me what looked off about it. She signed it "Love Grandma", only something about it looked funny everytime I looked at it from the moment I got it. I finaly realised what it is, she misspelled "Grandma". I think what she actualy wrote is "Gerangma". I'll be the first to admit, I have troubble reading cursave, as well as writing it, I force myself to write in cursave over and over and over at least once a year, otherwise I compleatly forget how to use it (it once took me two weeks to remember how to write a Capital Q when I went too long without praticing), and that's only made worse by the dislexia, but even I know that the leg on a "d" should go up and not down. The second letter is kidna scribbled out, only not really, so I think she tried to fix that one, but it's all in pen so she couldn't (yet another reason I hate pens, evil things invented by people who can spell).
Okay, can I get yer guy's opinion on this?
What do you guys think? Am I seeing things, or did she really, really misspell it? And should I be worried? I meen, if this was me, no big, but Grandma misspelling the word Grandma?!? ...She is getting up in years...I don't know, this is really bothering me now, what do you guys think?
Am I really just over-reacting here? Over-thinking this? Or should I mention it to Dad?
Okay, switching to a happyer topic.
I was over on the West Side picking up some of my meds (only half of them were ready, I can pick up the other half later today ::eyeroll::), I swung across the street to B&N and picked up my copy of Smoke And Ashes which had come in the day before. ::happy clap:: I really can't wait to get to the third book, though I'm forceing myself to read them in order, and not just skip to the happy ending. ::LOL:: I had to wait for my meds, so I got a coffee at B&N (a Carmel Light Frappichino, which I'd never had before...not bad, made for a nice change) and sat down to start reading book one, Smoke & Shadows (book three being titled Smoke And Mirrors, for those who are intrested). I'd forgotten that book one was a little slow to start...only, actualy it's not, it jumps into the plot imideatly which is great, but it is a little slow to pull you in. Or me, at least. It takes a few chapters to really feel the pull of Tony, and it dosen't start to get really good until he starts to really interact with the other charactors, not just introduce them. It was kinda nice to just sit there, though, I actualy sat there well past my med pickup time because I was having so much fun just reading it. ::LOL:: It was only 9am and B&N had just oppend up, they didn't even have the music turned on yet 'til right before I left at 10am. The place was almost compleaty empty, and those that were there, were just enjoying their morning coffee and doing the same as I was, sitting with a book or magazine, or talking quietly. When I left at 10am, it was starting to get more crouded, and the music had been turned on just loud enough to be irritating and hard-ish tp ignore, so the timeing actualy worked out really great. It was actualy a nice little brake for such an un-godly hour.
And since I knew if I didn't spend all of my gift card right then, then I'd just keep it in my wallet for three years, the way I did with the last one, so I went ahead and got two little items they had up by the registers. The first was just a packet of stickey notes in little arrow shapes and bright colors. To use to mark passages in books and stuff, when you have a lot of them, and need colors to orgianise them. I got them spasificly to orgianise my favorate recipes in my go-to Cookie book.
The big pink square one at the top is my Snickerdoodles recpiy, that's the one I use the most, by far. That recipy alone makes the book worth it, I've probably made that one four times to every time I use any other recipy in that book once. Mom got me that book...wow, years ago. Back when I first started to show an independant intrest in bakeing. Looking at it now, the copyright says 1992, I would have been 10 then and the book was brand new when I got it, so that's probably about right. Within a few years of '92, then, at most. One half the book is "every day" cookies, and the other is Christmas cookies. And yes, it's by Better Homes And Gardens, but don't let that chase ya off. ::g:: And the stickey notes really were a good buy, I not only have them marked, but I labled every one with what recipy it actualy is, so I can find what I want imideatly, and not flip from bookmark to bookmark looking for a spacific recipy like I have been for the last 15 years. ::LOL::
The other thing I got was more...random. It's a "Thumb Thing: Reading Ring & Bookmark".
It's designed so that you can put it on your finger, and it'll hold both sides of a book open so you can read read with just one hand. Which is usualy how I read, so...yah. I asked a woman who worked there if it actualy worked and didn't damadge the pages, and she gushed on about how wonderful it was. It's also suposed to work as a bookmark, but I question that...
I tried it out while I was reading at B&N...I think it'd work a lot better with hardcover books, and it really dosen't work well at the very start or end of a book, but it seems to work okay once you further into the book, so the pressure is more equil on both sides of the device. And since it sorta covers up the text, I find it works better to hold the top of the book, where there's more blank space, then at the bottom of the book like the design on the package shows.
I'm still torn on this one. If it actualy works, it'd be a very cool little device, simple and cleaver. So far, I'm not impressed but not totaly dissipointed either. I'm willing to stick with it for further testing. I'll keep ya guys updated. (And yes, that is the third book that I'm useing to demonstrate in the photos.)
Okay, and I've now spent an hour photo-spamming you guys. ::LOL:: Sorry. Like I said, I seem to require photogrpahic evidence of everything I do this week. Not really sure why. ::shrugs:: I'm definatly intrested to hear what you guys think, though, expeicaly about Grandma's note.
And now I'm gunna go find some food, maybe watch the news, and probably read more of Smoke And Shadows. Tony just started to talk to Arra, and the path she starts guides him to, is the one he ends up more-or-less following the rest of his life (or at least the rest of this trillogy), so this is when things start to get good. ::G::