Random Comments

Sep 29, 2007 22:12

Okay, I just feel like talking, so this is gunna be a list of random comments and updates on varous stuff.

To start with: I'm almost done with the babyblanket I was makeing for Krista. I desided to give it instead to dad's work buddy/training partner Rick and his wife's name I still can't remember. I'll probably stop after I finish this last round of pattern. I've been takeing it with me when I go places to work on, and I've been getting a lot of complaments on it, I've been really shocked by them. It seems like such a simple pattern to me, just a seires of tight ribs, flat spacing, open ribs and spaceing again. It's basicly an over grown scarf. ::g:: But I've had a lot of people stop me to comment on it. One of the few pharmasist workers I like was one of the people who commented on it, so I told her I'd make her one if she bought the yarn (she just had a baby within the last month or so, I believe). I go back in tomorrow to pick up the rest of my meds, and I'll get the yarn from her then. I really like her, but can never remember her name. Starts with a D, Deniece, Darline, something like that. Nice lady. Looking forword to makeing it for her, a reliable pharmasist should definatly be someone to cultivate good will with. They're rare.

My Next Thought: Apprently one of my friends, no longer wants to be my friend. ::sighs:: I'm not gunna name names here, because this post isn't flocked and some of you know this person, and are even friends with them, so I'm definatly not gunna name them. But this...it's flooring me. It came outta no where as far as I can tell, Joan too. This person had grown distant over the last year or so, but they've had a lot of changes in their life recently, so we were just giving them space. We figured they just had a lot going on, and when things calmed down, they'd be back to themselves again. Only things have been weird, and when we invited this person to help us with a project, they were so...cold. We finaly said enough waiting, enough space, and E-maailed them...and after no reply for three weeks, I sent the E-mail again.

This time they replied saying they were hopeing we'd take the hint and realise they didn't want to be around us anymore and they didn't want to be friends anymore, and we're just...floored. I meen, this is someone I considered one of my closest friends of the past decade! Someone I'd trust my life with. Joan and I are both shocked and dissipointed with how they handled this, but where Joan is going more the rout of Shock, Dissipointment and Anger, I'm going more Shock, Dissipointment, and Depression. ::sighs:: It's really, really hitting me hard. Expeicaly that they wouldn't even tell us. And we still don't think it has to end, we still have a lot in common, and we still like them, and we want to stay friends, even if that frienship is changed. ::sighs:: We want to fight for it, but we're waiting now for their responce again.

I'm worried about how this is effecting me. It's been a bad few months, and this is...this is just... ::sighs:: I was doing so, so much better, and now this, right outta left feild as far as I can tell and...yah, it's hurting a lot. ::sighs:: I really hope that this person is reading this (though I doubt it), and is considering what I'm saying and is paying attention to how much I want to keep this friendship. I really hope that if they are reading this, they aren't takeing it as a rant or getting angry at me talking about it. ::sighs:: But I needed to talk about it, even if it's entirly in the third person.

To lighten the mood, here are my comments on the season premear of "Adrift"

Okay, I LOVED this episode! I meen...yah, they really found their stride in S3, and it has definatly carried over to the new season. I was worried, SGA has shown a tendancy to get really good season finallies, and then loose their paceing over the brake, and their season openers really lag, and their first few episodes tend to stumnble. Take "The Siege III" followed imideatly by "The Intruder", in the space of one episode, they compleatly forgot who McKay was and how to write him as the man he'd grown to be over the previous 20 episodes. It happend again with the Michael/Human Wraith arc that they had no idea what to do with.

But this? This was EXELENT. I loved it! Everyone was totaly in chractor, they were all perfectly written, and they stayed in chractor even when they were doing stuff not normaly their feild. When Elizabeth was done, Sheppard stepped up, and McKay stood as his second in comand without question. He treated John with the respect that he needed to show, and he trusted him, they trusted eachother. And Rodney Called Him John!! God, I could squee over that for hours. ::bouncing:: "JOHN!"

And when they were playing Astroids to save the city? John told Rodney and the Random Red Shirt to fly back and get the ones they missed, and Rodney was bitching and moaning and saying what a poor choice he was, the moment John said go, Rodney Went! He just shut up and turned around and got the astroids! He flew perfectly the moment John told him to.

And Rodney appologised to John! OMG! I don't think Rodney's ever given such a simple, heart felt appology, ever. He's said he's sorry a few times, but...but not like that. And John...oh, his face there. Perfect.

And Ronon! Pulling the glass out (or trying to), and him with Elizabeth ? That "Thank you?" oooooh, I totaly felt my heart start to brake there. ::sniffles Jason Momoa is the only man who could play Ronon in my opinion. No one else could be him, the same way no one but David Hewlett could ever be McKay.

And then at the end? John And Rodney Become Space Pirates! The moment Rodney asked John if he wanted to pull a Hiest, and John got that look, I just thought "OMG Space Pirates!!!" ::happy happy bounce::

I'll have to watch it again before I can get anything more out, I haven't even touched on Zelenka or the graphics or the "Oh what now!?" yet. There'll probably be another post on this after my bit torrent finishes. ::Big big grin::

On a related note, I got a copy of David Hewlett's "A Dog's Breakfast", and I gotta say... I LOVE IT!!! It was exelent! It made me laugh out loud sevral times (a rare occurance when I'm watching stuff alone), and had me grinning the whole time. Beautifuly written, the acting was spot on, and the music really was incredibly well done. One of the best movies I've watched in the last few years, I think. I highly recomend it.

And another weird/frustrating/random shit thing: half of my tooth is gone! I just noticed it about an hour ago. I lost a filling at some point today and didn't even feel it 'til I went to brush my teeth and half of one of my lower molars is just...gone. On the outside, thankfuly, so as sharp as it is, it's not cutting my tongue up, but... ::sighs:: Now I have to go into the dentest ASAP. I already have a filling on the upper back gone (small, not noticable or painful to me) and a bad tooth on the other side that I have to get taken care of because it's incredibly painful when it acts up. ::sighs:: The medical bills on this are gunna be rediculas, and I'm really not looking forword to them. ::sighs:: I still don't even know if my dentes takes medicare, and if she doesen't, I may have to go up to Tacoma to find one, because I need a place that uses nitris oxcide, and she's one of the only ones in the Oly area who does (I had to search for months to find her a few years ago when my dentest phobia got too bad for me to handle). ::sighs::

Okay, running outta steam. Gunna end here. May add on or deleat bits later on. We'll see.

ETA: Mom brought me a new keychain for my collection from Alaska...Moose Poop! It's a real moose turd on a keychain! I love it. It's going right up next to my fake dog do-do. (for those of you out of the loop, I collect takey keychains from around the world, expeicaly ones that are a famous figure/place/object or represent that place, like miniture effile towers, naked men from Las Vagas, bibles that sing "halaluja" when you press the cross, a penis...that one is from Spain ::G::)

mcshep, family, rant, fandom, friends, sga, aarrgghh!!, life, medical, pissed off, update, crafts, movies, curent events

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