So sometimes life just works out in such a way as to give you a perfect moment. Today, I got two of those in the span of 10 minutes.
I hadn't slept at all the night before, despite takeing eight sleeping pills over the course of 10 hours, and lying in the dark for eight of them after getting only maybe four hours of sleep the day before, if that. It was a crappy contenuation of a couple of crappy days. I had to drive and hour to get to a gathering of my pagan friends, and I was 30 minutes into it and realized I left my pot luck item (two dozen deviled eggs) sitting in the fridge. I was in pain, exausted, and still had another half hour to go before I could relax, and another ten hours or so before I had any hope of getting home to sleep. I was driving my "new" car, Mom's old 2001 Nissan which I really don't like, and that was just makeing the pain worse (the driver's seat is worn out, so it hits just the wrong pressure on my siatic nerve to cause me a lot of pain, and even put me on a cane for a day or two after driving, sometimes) and really, the day was just crappy.
I rememberd something I wanted to mention to my group, but was tired enough I was afraid I'd forget by the time I got there, so I reached into the pocket in the driver's side door, hopeing Mom would be like me, and keep a few pens in there so I could scribble a quick note to myself on the back of my hand while driving (kids, do as I say, not as I do ::handwavey of "I've now fufilled my Acting-Like-A-Responcable-Adult duties for the day"::). Instead of feeling a pen, however, beneith a map, some extra napkins and an unoppend deoderent (thankfuly unoppend as it was cucumber scented, which I am very alirgic to, and also the ick, used doderent safely avoided), I felt an odd bottle in my hand. Confused, I pulled it out, and pulled it up so I could see what it was.
This is what I now found in my hand :
That's right, ladies and gentelmen! While on my way to a pagan gathering, I pulled out of the door of my very atheistic mother's car, a bottle of HOLY WATER!
I stared at it blankly for a few stunned moments, before I burst out laughing so hard, I nearly had to pull over. Of all the WTF things to find in the door of my new car...
I hit the button on my bluetooth (Washington is a Hands Free Cell Phone state) and told it to call Mom and then had the deilght of asking her, "Mom? Just out of idle curisoity...why do you have a bottle of Holy Water in the door of your car?"
I think Mom had her own moment or two of confused silence before she went, "OH! I bought that for you at a garage sale ages ago. I guess I forgot to give it to you." ::LOL::
Yes, folks, this is why I love my mom. She may not get the gay thing, she sure as HELL dosn't get the pagan thing, but when push comes to shove and she wants to get me a nice little "thinking of you" present, she buys me a 50¢ bottle of Holy Water.
My Mom? Is awesome.
But you know what made the day even better? As if that weren't enough to turn it around already, because it totally was, I went from feeling like absolute shit to a happy human being in the space of about 30 seconds, I really did. But about three miles after I got off the phone with mom, I kept picking the bottle up out of my lap, looking at it again, and laughing some more. I turn from one busy highway onto a smaller highway that has long streches of farmland on either side, and just the occational car passing, when I look up over the top of my bottle of Holy Water and what do I see comeing towords me?
The Metallicar.
I sware to God, I am not makeing this up. As I was holding my bottle of Holy Water in my hand at the top of my stearing wheel, I see comeing towords me a mint condition, black 1967 Chevrolet Impala. With two men in the front seat.
Ladies and gentelmen? I do believe I just had the most perfect moment in fannish history of crappy days gone unexpectedly good.
My Mom? IS AWESOME!!!!!