Just Desserts

Dec 13, 2010 13:22

Once again huge issues with time management for Seagirt A&S contests and for the second year in a row I experienced major issues with scheduling for the dessert competition.

Last year I was able to avoid disappointment, but not this year. When I arrived I specifically asked when the judging would be as my second entry was time sensitive and would need to be prepared before the judging.

I was told that the judging would happen immediately after the feast.

Right before the final remove I began preparing my dessert when someone came over and said "gee, too bad you didn't enter that".......blink blink..........I AM entering it. I am getting it ready before the judging.

"Oh, they've already judged." Of course they have, Because for some reason people have no idea how to do time management here.

So I finished preparing a portion of the dish, threw the documentation away, and passed the dessert around for sampling.

I think unless someone in Seagirt starts learning how to properly run an A&S competition, and to adhere to published or announced timings I will stick to competitions in other branches. I got screwed over last year at the bardic one too because they changed the time without telling the contestants.

In ANY activity at an SCA event, you can delay events due to issues but you should NEVER advance them as people are usually counting on the posted schedule and sometimes are preparing or showing up based on it.

Next year I think I will make a special dessert for my table and screw the competition.
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