Yesterday I got to meet the lovely missy42. She showed me around downtown Culver City, which I didn't know before, but it used to be the headquarters of MGM. Sony Pictures is there now. So I saw the historic hotel in which the munchkins of Wizard of Oz stayed at. Incidently, missy42 is also a fantastic crocheter (I think that's a word) and taught me how to crochet too. We ate at Pacifico's, a mariscos restaurant and then had dessert at Cold Stone Creamery. I could barely walk afterwards.
Today I felt like making scones, which I did. I just need to make some Devonshire cream to go along with it next time! Also I've been getting into crafts. There's an awesome forum online called and there was a cool tutorial on making felt monsters so I tried my hand at it. Here's my first attempt. I don't have a name for him, but Penny, our cat, seems to be having fun with him.
Then I made another one for my sister. It's called a Poring, and it's a monster (a cute looking one I might add!) in this online game she plays constantly called Ragnorak.