Just Like Life, But Worse...

Apr 15, 2009 18:45

My dissertation, and my supervisor are doing starting to drive me completely batshit crazy.

I start writing something, he says no.

I tell him what I plan to write instead, he says yes, then I show it him, and he says no.

I try to write it how I think HE thinks it should be, he says no.

I try to write it how I want it to be...

...see a pattern emerging, here?

It's my damned essay!

I have just about had enough of this whole damned fucking module.

That's it - fuck it all.

I know he's not being mean. He's just trying to get my best work out of me...thing is, I'm really starting to wonder if I'm in over my head a little. Every time I get to this point, though, I think to myself: "FUCK YOU ALL AND THE HORSE YOU RODE IN ON...I CAN DO THIS!"
And then, I end up right back at where I started.

This cannot happen again. I have NINE days to get this bastard of an essay completed in, and telling me to rewrite stuff at this point is...well, unrealistic, I suppose. But then again, I may just surprise him, and even myself.

Here's hoping, huh?

It's nearly 7pm, and I'm off to make alterations and additions...wish me luck? I am going to need it.
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