Oh what a glorious day...sort of...maybe...

May 07, 2008 17:02

Ah, the joy of finishing an essay!

It's such a good feeling, words alone can't describe.

Just another 3 to go. Ugh.

But still, keeping with the positive vibe, I wrote that 'Reading as a Writer' essay in a few hours today, and am fairly happy with it. Hope the tutors are, too.

*gotta be positive, gotta be positive, gotta be positive, gotta be positive, gotta be positive, gotta be positive.*


Plan of action:


Wait for
gollum1971 to come home.
Go to Uni and hand in finished essay.
Go to Morrison's and buy food. (read: argue with
gollum1971 about what he wants for dinner!)
Eat dinner.
Debate chilling out vs. reading Renaissance female autobiography.


Read and make notes on said autobiographies.
Write 2,000 words on said autobiographies.
Be happy.


Revise for that god damned Phonetics exam.

Which reminds me...
aniad? Text me about when you wanna have our cramming sesh? Waiting for Jack to get back to me about which days are best for her, so...meh.

Oh, and I also rang some schools about work placement in advance of me applying for my PGCE. One school said no, because they have FAR too many trainees at the moment, but I can apply there for the Student Associate Scheme for next year. Thanks, Lady, but a little too late.

Other school was meant to get back to me today, but - shock horror - didn't. Which means I have to ring them again tomorrow and feel like a badgering idiot.

Also rang school I went to back home in the North East, but the Deputy Head Mistress was tied up all day because of the SAT's. She was meant to ring me back, as well, but didn't. Shock horror.

(Reinforces the fact that I really don't wanna go back there, but if I can guarantee anything, it's that that school needs the help and will more than likely say yes. TBH, I really want to help them as well. I went there, I know what the place is like. And I did tell a few of my old teachers that I was gonna take my ex-English teacher's job off him. Idiot. Ugh.)

AND, Landlord hasn't gotten back to me with some important info RE: my contract. I NEED that, goddammit!

Don't you hate it when you finally get around to being organised, but the rest of the fucking world keeps letting you down? Yeah, me too.


*Think Positive! Think Positive! Think Positive! Think Positive! Think Positive! Think Positive! Think Positive! Think Positive!*

Oh yeah! And it's about 20 degrees outside and I've been stuck in here all day writing. Wanna go outside now, kthx?!


happy!frog, life: being done over by..., work placement, uni

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