... and I hate DIY. Foolishly I've removed all the old plaster from the front of the chimney in the new kitchen. I thought it was a good plan as it seemed to be made almost entirely of coal dust. Unfortunately, what I forgot to factor in is that whoever did all the work on this house prior to me buying it was worse at DIY than I am. Instead of the lovely red-black bricks I was expecting to find, I've got a wadge of stone and a gaggle of bricks randomly splayed across the middle. This means that I'm going to have to re-plaster the lot once I've put in the new lintel because, yes you've guessed it, they removed the original brick arch lintel when they bricked up most of the hole for the back boiler and appalling gas fire they installed in there.
On the plus side now that I've got most of that over with I can clean the rest of the house and hopefully with all the dust gone my hayfever will calm down a little. I might also regain some of the definition I used to have in my arms before I hit thirty and lost it all.
WOLF ATE: Some masonry, don't ask me why, he's a strange dog
WEATHER: I fell asleep in the garden for 15 minutes and I have tan lines, whoop!
I should be looking for a job but actually I'm panicking that I'm never going to be able to finish my kitchenCURRENT MOOD:
Black, to match the current colour of my skinWRITING UPDATE: Well, my mum likes the idea, but then again she has to as she's related to me