a bit depressed

Jul 22, 2005 10:45

So anyways there was a dinner thrown in my honor last night. Well first off, I couldn't get my bestfriend to go. I told him to call me back because he was busy at the time, but he never did. Then later I called him again to try and tell him about the dinner but he didn't pick up. So that sucked. Well I get to the party and as always it's a shitload of my coupled friends. Making me feel like the the weird man out at my own party. All in all it sucked. To amke it even worse, a couple starts fighting at the dinner.
It was at this point where i said the classic, "With friends like this who need enemies." God, I can no wait to get the hell out of here and find myself a new life. I would go to Hawaii tomorrow if i thought that would make a difference.
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