(no subject)

Jan 29, 2010 20:25

Nazi today at the DMV.  Why do they all go for me?

3 hours I sat there, and he just talked and talked about how Hitler is morally praiseworthy, his authentic Nazi uniform, how he admires the confederacy, but it's okay because one of his best friends is jewish.

How do they find me?

I stayed up all night to finish the paper that got deleted.  It wasn't actually that bad, I lay down blankets and pillows on the floor so I could lie down with my computer on my stomach in the most relaxing possible position, while leaving the ground just hard enoguh that I wouldn't go to sleep.  I was fine until the euphora stage wore off as I was driving to school at 11 this morning and I was suddenly exhausted.  But I finished.

Then I spent all of con law with a pen dug into my hand.  Never broke the skin just continously poked myself, moving to a new poking point when the old one felt like it might break the skin.  Kept me awake, which was what I needed: Con law is the one class I can't knit in.  Such an uncomfortable class too.  A guy came in later (WAAAAY late, not just a little late) he's been late a lot.  Margulies interrupted class to scold him, which he wouldn't normally for just lateness.  Then the guy left class right when a question was being asked, and then his cellphone went off incredibly loudly.  He's been crap ever since school started in class, never done readings, etc, and Margulies made an example of him each time, because he was clearly frustrated with the accumulation.  After the last time, the guy tried to give an excuse about how he was tired, and Margulies told him that he did not belong to the therapy school of law.  And we had a guest observer.  SO UNCOMFORTABLE WATCHING.  he never did that with anyone in our class.  I mean, scolding people for not doing readings, definitely, but nothing like this.  Of course, no one in our class acted like this either.  After the last time, when Margulies had just asked a question before the cell phone went off and the scolding happened, he actually smiled and apologized for raising the tension level right when asking a difficult question.

Word got around fast because I was one of the earliest people to leave class, and when I left Tim (with a capital T who is male) was waiting outside with a big grin on his face wanting to hear all about it, and there were lots of other people asking too.

In between all that our class was asked what Julius Caesar's famous saying regarding Gaul was.  NO ONE KNEW.  And I couldn't raise my hand!  They were trying things like veni vidi vinci, and what he said crossing the Rubicon and it took forever and wasted time, and I'm not allowed to raise my hand so I just had to sit there with the answer swelling up in my mouth like a balloon filling with air.  All of Gaul is divided into three parts! ahhhhhh.

Then contracts by which time I was actually shaking with tiredness, and Shivani laughed at me for being the tired and shaking one while she is well rested (which is a HUGE role reversal) but at least for contracts I could get coffee to drink throughout the class (yucky, but effective) and I could knit.

And now I am done.  Done, I say.  I turned in my paper, I got my registration and my license plate, and my drivers license (I was so sad giving up my Louisiana Drivers License).  Apparently they don't have inspections up here, like when you get your inspection sticker for your car.  They have the emissions test and that's it. And for that, you have to bring it to the DMV and they give you your registration sticker.  I asked at the emissions place if they could do a new inspection since my sticker was about to expire while doing the emissions test, and they looked at me and asked what I was talking about and I explained and they were like, no you need the emissions test to register and I was like no, I know I need it to register the car in CT, I need the inspection so I don't get ticketed or all that TOO.  And we stared at each other in dismay realizing that neither of us understood the other (which was probably my fault since I was so tired, I was nearly falling over, and my attempts to describe inspection was "you know, the thingy!  The thingy you have to do once a year and they do your brakes and give you a sticker?").  So I gave up and asked at the DMV after working on my articulation of the question, and turns out all I did need was emissions.

And now I want to watch the last Dollhouse which I've been looking forward to all week, but Francis got the TV first and is watching the news.  Oh well.  I'm done, done done.  I can have one day off.
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