Song to Save a LifeVidder:
thedivinegoat Rating: open
Song/Artist: These Are the Songs by Amy Wadge
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Jack, canon
Warnings: none
Spoilers: S2 Torchwood; S4 Doctor Who
Summary: It's the people that surround us that keep us human.
Why you should read it: Torchwood and Doctor Who are both about families; in this one, we see Jack's family - not the one he was born with, but the one he's found along the way. I love the way the metaphor of songs works through this vid; we all know our lives' little soundtracks: the songs that raised us, the characters who befriended us, the daydreams and fancies that keep us alive.
thedivinegoat takes this musical metaphor and applies it to Jack's chosen family, so while it's about the relationships that save Jack's life, it's also a subtle little love letter to fandom -- which does the same for so many of us. It's hard not to smile; it's also hard not to get a little choked up as you watch the kind of vidding that looks effortless even though it's so obviously not.
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