Fic: Assassinata, by osprey_archer

Oct 28, 2008 00:40

Title: Assassinata
Author: osprey_archer
Rating: mature (sex)
Length:1500+ words, oneshot
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Owen/Ianto, Jack/Ianto
Genre/Category: Comedy
Warnings: none
Spoilers: none
Summary: This is a slightly blood-stained fluff fic. No, really.
“It’s not funny,” said Ianto. “I’m bleeding. My suit is in tatters. Not funny.”
“You got savaged by a bouquet of roses,” said Owen. “It’s hilarious.”

Why you should read it: Because the cast of characters is absolutely perfect - Prickly Owen, Put Upon Ianto, and Flirty Jack. The action is hot, the comments are sharp, and the situation is hilarious. Plus, this story contains the single most perfect summary of Jack's thought processes, in six short sentences, that I've ever read. One hundred percent pure Jack.

Now, if that doesn't do it for you, read it for the added drabble at the end in which Ianto asks Jack if he gets paid overtime for sex. Warning: probably best if you're not drinking fluids and aimed at your keyboard while reading this.

Authors appreciate your comments! Feel free to let them know if you liked their work.

character: owen, reccer: thaddeusfavour, type: fic, sex: slash, character: jack, character: ianto, pairing: ianto/owen, length: aa1000-5000, pairing: jack/ianto, length: oneshot, rating: mature (sex), genre: humour

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