Fic: Measure of a Team by christine_twfan

Feb 03, 2009 02:15

Title: Measure of a Team
Author: christine_twfan
Rating: standard
Length: 10,000 words
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Jack/Ianto, Gwen, OMC
Genre/Category: drama, action, episode-like
Warnings: none
Spoilers: Exit Wounds
Summary: Torchwood has been invited to participate with UNIT on a training exercise. Things don't go according to plan.

Why you should read it: There are quite a few post-Exit Wounds fics out there that deal with how the remaining team members fall apart, struggling with their grief. But I think it is important to remember that they've done this before. Jack has survived more than anyone, outlived nearly every person he's ever met and loved, and he knows how to carry on, knows that he has to carry on. Ianto survived out of necessity and desperation, but he proved himself after losing Lisa. And Gwen, in my opinion, is possibly the strongest of them all. She hasn't lost as much as the others, but she knows how to be their rock, to support them all when they can't support themselves. She pulled together and lead the team while Jack was away, after all.

This is told from the POV of an original character, but don't let that dissuade you. From this outside perspective we get to see the vulnerability, but also their determination and spirit during a long, arduous test of their abilites as a team.

Authors appreciate your comments! Feel free to let them know if you liked their work.

reccer: kel_reiley, episode: exit wounds, type: fic, character: jack, genre: action, character: ianto, rating: standard, pairing: jack/ianto, category: episode-like, length: bb10000-30000, character: gwen, length: oneshot, sex: gen, era: post-series two, genre: drama

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