(no subject)

Dec 02, 2012 08:17

I posted this on Friday in JF, I guess it should have rather been in here. Still I put it there because I want to goive God the glory.

I have had an incredibly tough year at work.( But I have also seen God in actionCollapse )
For those of you who dont know I manage a small mining company and we are in the process of trying to get a mine started in a very difficult socio political 3rd world environment.

Its a pretty exciting prospect but try as we have to get things started, everything that could have gone did. Other mines were nationalized, so no one wants to invest in us anymore, despite us not being directly affected. We are now almost out of money. We started mining, and people got hurt despite our best efforts to ensure safety - Praise the Lord no one has died or been disabled. We had the community demanding a lot of stuff from us unreasonably, the places where we were taking our ore to be toll-porcessed to get the metal out have been dishonest with us, and have stolen our product, or not processed it correctly, or refused to process it after we spent a lot of money getting it there. In a couple of cases they weren't able to process our ore, because their machinery had broken down and could not be fixed in time. We have been working on a feasibility study that we hoped would demostrate the viability of build our own processing plant and expanding the mine. I got the initial result a few months ago and it showed that we would not make any money at all and would lose a whole lot more.

I have a board of directors that have become increasing anxious and aggressive towards me as all we have invested appears ot be going down the toilet. Its looking like I am going to be fired, and I find out people have been checking my expenses because I have lost credibility and now they think I might be stealing from them.

I have been be worrying about the 120 people we employ, their families and other spin off business, perhaps 1,500 people are benefitting directly from our work, but this looks like it is all going to come to an end unless we have a few, not one, but a few miracles. To me this is worst of it all: To see that these poor people are going to slip back into incredible poverty. To see that dreams of so many will be destroyed is a very heavy burden and bring tears to my eyes even as I type this. The vision I believe God has given me is to build this company to a point where I can plough a lot of money into improving poor peoples lives, saving them from destitution and bringing others to Christ, and investing into the ministry.

I get so angry when I see our muslim friends pumping huge amounts of money into poor areas around the world and selling people into the agressive slavery that is Islam. Why are we as Christians not providing a better alternative? Because we have this stupid idea that we need to be yoked with poverty chasticy and obediance? Not at all! That is so self-centered. Instead we should be repenting of our sins, and moving on and sharing the reason for the hope that we have in Christ! I dont mean we should be attracting people with money, but money is needed to create opportunity so people can have a fighting chance, so that they too can be in a position to help their neighbours rather than trying to just survive. I dont know if Im making sense here but I digress.

So my wife and I have been praying for a few specific things in the company, and I have been speaking victory in the face of adversary, even though everything I see tells me otherwise and everyone else sees and tells me otherwise. I have been getting bemused looks but I know my Lord will come through for us.

So we got our first answer to our prayer exactly one week ago.The metallurgical testwork was one of the key drivers for value had come in with very bad results. Did more testwork but then heeard that we would only get the results 2 weeks late for us to include in our deadline. We prayed for a positive result and that it be obtained on time. Well guess what? YHWH, the Lord God of Israel who is to be praised answered our prayers! We got great test results and we got them on Friday morning a few hours ahead of the deadline.

Im posting to tell you that the Lord has come through in a BIG , BIG way just a few hours ago.

After working day and night with hardly any sleep, our team of consultants have delivered a new feasibility result, on time, and its shows a return on investment of 31%. This is EXACTLY what we have been praying for, the last time I looked it was a negative number and a TOTAL impossibility. We prayed for over 30% return on investment and we got it.

Whats more the result came through ahead of the deadline which is today.You people have no idea how impossible this was to achieve, and there is NO ONE who can not say this was miraculous.

I have to preprare for a board meeting now, but I wanted to post this first because the Lord God, my God, the God of Israel, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are alive and real and are forever to be praised. May You have the glory Lord forever and ever.

18 Praise be to the Lord God, the God of Israel,
who alone does marvelous deeds.
19 Praise be to his glorious name forever;
may the whole earth be filled with his glory.
Amen and Amen.
- Psalm 72:18-19

We prayed also for three other things, total impossibilities in eyes of mere man, I will share two with you:

1) To raise 7 million dollars in the next 2 weeks
2) To produce and sell one million dollars worth of metal in November 2012.

Well today is the 30th of November. We have produced but it does not look like enough, right now it looks like we will be 40% short. Im trusting in a miracle, that will save the jobs of our workers. Both these prayers
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