Sunday and such

May 03, 2010 04:15

Today was a pretty decent day.  The Howes family had a friends/family picnic at Pottawatomie Park and a lot of folks showed up.  It was fairly cool there in the shade, but it didn't rain and the sun came out on occasion.  Lots of food and discussion were had as we hung out for about five hours talking about everything from family life, LARP and election campaign stuffs.

I had considered heading up to Muskegon to hang with folks, but as I got home I was suddenly hit by this tiredness and ache in my bones. When I looked in the mirror I saw that I had gotten some sun because my face was a little toasty.  I decided to take a short nap.... which lasted about 7 hours (thus why I am typing this at almost 4am.)

I have decided to bite the bullet and purchase a copy of CorelDraw X4 for myself (it's Corel's version of Illustrator--the program I used at Ver Duin's Inc. while I worked there and have grown to like.  Amazon has it on sale for $150 and an upgrade is $200 to X5 if I want it... cheaper to buy both separately than to purchase a full copy of X5 for $600 (and the 30 day trial version of X4 is about to run out on me in 5 days.)  This will allow me to continue to do lay-out and graphic work as needed.  In time I'll find a way to legally acquire the Adobe Creative Suite stuff, but for now I have my legit copy of Photoshop CS which gets me along just fine for that sort of stuff.

Tomorrow I have to contact the sign company about the files for David Takitaki's campaign to make sure they're sent correctly.  Then I have some thoughts/plans to get some more items up to Muskegon to help David with his office (a rolling printer cart and monitor for a potential computer that is being wrangled to help fill-out the office.)   After that, we'll see what happens.

Most of all, I need to keep myself busy and occupied... doing stuff.  No more sleeping until 5pm and getting online until the sun comes up.

taki, howes picnic, coreldraw

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