Dreams... of Chicago?

Jun 25, 2009 14:27

I had this really weird dream last night...

I was offered a job in Chicago for a gaming company Crafty Games.  The first day of work and the interview was the next day and I was trying to convince my mom and others that it was a good idea to just pack up and leave--I remember telling my mom that "I'll be working with a friend.. well, a friend of Matt's.  He works with Pat too."  Even I wasn't entirely sure that it was a good idea, but I was kinda just willing to take the uneasy chance since I didn't have a place to stay, nor did I know exactly where I was going.  I remember trying to call Katie about a place to crash, but that idea kinda waffled.  I woke up in the morning and tried to get ready... I remember trying to lace up my combat boots over bluejeans and being questioned "do you think that'll look good at your interview?" while I was asking myself if they were going to be comfortable to drive in for 4 hours. Meanwhile I began to realize I was going to be late too.  "How am I going to make it there in less than three hours when it's going to take me at LEAST 3.5?" (yes, I remember the "3.5" specifically. *L*)
I then remember a looong drive through country roads, past rural houses on 2-lane highways and eventually finding myself in the city, realizing I was late, but there wasn't much after that.  Maybe parking, but not meeting anyone, or getting out of the car.

Now... here's the funny thing: I have sometimes had dreams about GenCon, but oddly enough, they take place in Chicago of all places in a very particular building.  The convention is much more of a club/event sort of thing with two different buildings containing the convention:
The one on the left (on the street) is large and circular, maybe 10 or so stories tall.  The hallways are white and a deep blue with blue neon running lights along the ceiling and floors.  The hallways run along the outside edge of the building with rooms more on the inside.  Some levels are just completely open on the floor, containing parties, clubs, food courts and the likes.  It's all very modern and full of people in garb, costumes and general convention-wear.  I'm never working at it, just wandering around.
The other building is right next door, a bit more non-descript, but this is where the exhibit hall is located, along with other more official gathering locations (card games, larger lectures and such.)  The two are connected by a 30 foot covered sky-bridge on several levels.  Right along the street are shops and restaurants and the hotels are connected to the round building via skywalks as their hub.
To the side (I can only call it the East) is a parking garrage structure and through it leads to another set of hotels and eateries... the ideal location for such a convention, I'd assume.  Some day maybe I'll try to draw it up.

convention, gen con, crafty games, dream, chicago, job

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