So yesterday (Friday) Matt and I headed to Rendezvous for some dinner and talk about Winter Haven while he graded papers and were on our second plates of beer-battered fish when we got a phone call:
Joe's dad had been hit by a car and was in the hospital. We were charged with locating Joe. Well... we had a good idea and after being unable to find him, we decided to head out to Jarred and Christen's new place where he was painting. Before heading out we found out that Joe's father had been air-lifted to Spectrum. With that, we drive to Spring Lake to find him. Anyways, Aaron (Joe's brother) was there and Joe was out with Jarred getting a car.. but once they got the call to return, they turned back and soon Joe and Aaron were on their way to GR. (based on
the article, he wasn't wearing a helmet, so the "internal injury" I think they're talking about was head injury they were concerned about.)
Afterwords, Matt and I chatted for a little while (Note to self: use tact when joking about someone's lack of tact!) and eventually took off. By that time it was way too late to go back to the "All you can eat" at Rendezvous, so I headed home after dropping Matt off.
Driving out of the driveway I noted to Matt that there was a guy in his 30's playing with a GIANT silver and red foam sword while his two kids (boy and girl, maybe about 6 to 8?) were swinging more normal foam swords at him. Too bad he wasn't a LARPER and was only doing it as a way of getting his kids to expend some energy before bed. Kudos to him for creative thinking though!
I'd half-way considered going to the Craic Wisely show last night at The Black Rose... but gas money and money spent on food/drinks would be better spent on Sunday at Mongo's. I hope the show was good.