Feb 17, 2006 15:45
Today I was walking through the student center and these girls were like "Free Condoms!" and gave me this sweet little bag of condoms and hershey kisses. Thus proving, Hofstra is the school that just keeps on giving. Although, I'm not positive what the Hershey kisses imply, but i'm assuming they're like a morning after present, like when maids leave mints on your hotel pillows.
I keep listening to this song "Love Rhymes" by the Blood Brothers cuz its on Kellies Myspace and quite frankly, i miss my little cheerleader. Kellie if you're reading, visit me ASAP, no excuses. Btw i totally bitched out Brian.
One of the drama kids i had over last night got mud on my comforter, its like a real life Rick James... "Yea, i Remember diggin my feet into Charlie Murphys couch"...cept its Brandon McMullin's comforter. Why do people keep messing with me and my bed? Someone stole my sheets from the laundry room the other day! Who steals sheets? Jokes on them tho, those sheets were being washed because the night prior, i had gotten extremely drunk and pissed on them. ANYWAY, drama kids are so obnoxious haha, yes i said it. They're funny as hell but extremely annoying and for some reason don't like to make friends outside the department. No other major does this! Its preturbing! They offered me to live with them next year, i was just like .... "maybe" which CLEARLY meant "HELL NO".
I've started to gain back some weight which I think is in large part due to eating late at night and drinking beer every other night. SUCK IT METABOLISM! Me and the kind folks at Wendy's have beaten you!
Every guy in college should rush a frat, like even if you're not gonna actually join one, definately rush, its very worth it. EVERYTHING IS FREE, i went bowling and drank beer all night with SAE, and i had to pay.....o yea, thats right, NOTHING! I wanted fries and some guy named Evan went and bought them for me. AH, its wonderous.
James is leaving this weekend, and all my friends suck at life, so no one is going to come up and keep me company, thanks a lot.
End Scene.