Feb 07, 2014 00:50
Dear citizens of Russia, excluding members and supporters of the Russian LGBT community.
Firstly, this is by no means an attack on your country, your culture or even the moral standpoint of any individual Russian citizens. It is merely a collection of my thoughts for me as a western homosexual to make some sense of the attitude towards people of my sexual orientation in your country.
I would like to start by saying that I consider your traditional family values as important as you do. I myself come from a wonderfully traditional background with loving, supporting parents and siblings. I do not come from a religious background but nevertheless, I was raised with what may be considered Christian values by most Russian standards. I was also not taught to hate people from different countries, races and religious backgrounds. There was no mention of homosexuality in my household until the day I came out as gay to my parents who were initially disappointed but learned to love my differences regardless. Naturally they had hoped that one day I would marry and have children and thankfully in my country these two things are both possible now, irrespective of a person's sexual orientation. My parents support this.
The current climate in your country with regards to homosexuality or what you refer to as "non traditional relationships" is abhorrent. There really is no other word to describe the amount of hatred building up in your country based on misinformation & misunderstanding. The emphasis is really on those last two words and for this reason, I do not blame you.
Which brings us to propaganda.
There is a LOT of propaganda in Russia at the moment, LOADS. But it isn't coming from the LGBT community, quite the contrary in fact. However, debating this point I fear would be utterly futile because it would seem you have a rather odd view of what propaganda actually is.
Propaganda is a form of communication aimed towards influencing the attitude of the community toward some cause or position by presenting only one side of an argument.
Propaganda existed deep at the heart of the Soviet regime but would have been less apparent due to the iron curtain separating you from the west. It is my strong belief that you as Russians believe the word "propaganda" refers to anything the government does not endorse. The new anti-propaganda laws are in fact something of an oxymoron because they are in effect influencing public opinion by reinforcing misinformation based on the vague wording of the law. Are you following?
Same sex relationships are indeed "non traditional", in your eyes. However the vague wording and interpretation of the new anti-propaganda laws means consensual adult relationships are now being likened to perverse illegal sexual encounters that involve a victim and a crime. It seems that you as a nation are unable to make a clear distinction between homosexuality and pedophilia, THEY ARE NOT THE SAME! But because of the obvious political propaganda within the new laws this distinction is left very unclear, leaving you to believe that anything you consider to be "non traditional" should be demonized. Basically the law is promoting homophobia.
Don't let them do this. We are on the same side!
Regardless of sexual orientation all healthy adults are against any form of child abuse. Children cannot be turned gay any more than you can. I'm not a scientist, I don't understand why I'm gay but it certainly wasn't because I saw someone waving a rainbow flag at an Olympic ceremony. Also, as a child while struggling with my sexuality I wished I could have a had a grown-up to confide in. Someone to tell me I was normal, that everything would be OK, that I wouldn't always feel so alone and that one day I would find love.
Children should be taught compassion. The laws forbidding anything that promotes homosexuality will alienate any children struggling to come to terms with their identity even further. So don't you see? Enforcing laws such as these does nothing to protect children. It is merely enforcing the propaganda that you believe yourselves. It is an insult to me, my family and my friends that you would even entertain the possibility that I am in any way a threat to children.
So, I think it would be pointless for me to tell you that your government is brainwashing you, although I honestly think that to some degree this is definitely the case (as it was during Soviet times). However I strongly urge you to take some time out from your witch hunt and talk to one of the enemies Vladimir Putin has created for you because you may be surprised to encounter an ally. Listen, learn, understand. Don't base your opinion on "communication aimed towards influencing the attitude of the community toward some cause or position by presenting only one side of an argument". (propaganda).
I know it may be hard for you to find any open homosexuals to have a rational adult conversation with in your local vicinity because I fear you may have driven them all underground. However, if during your search to open your mind to the possibility that not everything you don't understand is your enemy, you happen to come across a pedophile... let me be the first in line to kick him in the teeth.