I want to clear something up once and for all. I am not a Lady Gaga fan. Apparently there has been some confusion.
The woman behind the mask/wig/record label is EXTREMELY talented, no question. Until recently her music has sucked, not gonna lie, it was horrible. Having seen her live performances I never questioned her talent or showmanship I just wasn't into the songs.
Recently she has released a few good tracks and her new album is quite frankly nothing short of a pop masterpiece. Every song is a stand alone anthem making the album in it's entirety, exhausting. Her talent remains unquestionable and even though I only really like about five tracks, I have to say good for her!
As for Lady Gaga, the personality. I LOATHE her. I find her repulsive on every level and it's not that I don't get it... it's just so utterly transparently crap it makes me angry that people actually fall for it. It's vulgar, unnecessary, boring, done and most of all fake. There is a song on the album called "Jesus is the New Black", I haven't listened to that one, I'm too lazy to even get angry with it.
So there!
crassy and
The worst part is 21 years ago my Mum said the same thing to me about Madonna and I wanted to stab her.