Oct 06, 2010 23:47
I'm driving myself mad trying to learn languages, I am obsessed with being able to speak them all and it is becoming increasingly clear I will end up a jack of some languages and a master of none.
I think I have English down, with 36 years experience I should jolly well hope so. Dutch is a mastery in the making and with a little more practice and possibly some official lessons I could be fluent.
I can get by in French and if I have to German, I speak a bit of Welsh and when prompted much more returns and I am starting to get the gist of Icelandic. Throw some random Polish, Hebrew and Finnish into the mix and then you have an idea of the amount of words flying through my head at any given moment. Oh and I can say "I Love you" in 23 different languages for no particular reason.
This is why I feel attempting to learn Spanish and Swedish at the same time might be biting off more than I can chew... I can already read and understand a lot of Swedish, Norwegian and Danish but Spanish is like a completely foreign language to me!
The main problem is I now have various different websites set in various different languages and I'm getting confused. I keep clicking on things without knowing what the fuck I'm doing and before I know it someone has said "My Gran died today" and I click "Þér líkar þetta" and I really don't líkar þetta!
I have to actually start learning this shit and stop pretending I'm some sort of global translator!