It occurs to me that although many people consider themselves some form of Christian, the idea of "Christianity" is rather broad one these days, often contradicting in nature. There are a number of denominations that argue semantics like diet and how exactly one gets into heaven, and a lot of related religions like Mormonism or Jehovah's Witnesses
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So then, God doesn't like brown-nosers? Me neither.
A lot of the Old Testament and New Testament go against each other, and the God portrayed in the Old is soooo much angrier and terrifying than the one in the New. I think that confuses people, which is why some are fearful of God and some are more like you and see him as an all-loving deity.
I don't know about the Ten Commandments being broken down, since Christians still consider them to be very sound and essential rules to live by. I think Jesus introduced the idea that you shouldn't judge someone so readily because nobody's perfect, and we should just accept those imperfections and realize the only one who can really judge is a higher power than mortal man. Other than that, we should love our neighbors and try not to hate so much. My favorite Jesus story will always be the one where he draws in the sand while saying "he who is without sin may throw the first stone". Even if he was actually a crazy guy and had no divine connection whatsoever, he was still totally awesome.
Jesus was also very big on not judging others. He ate with those labeled sinners and got incredibly angry at the leaders of the religious sects. It's so weird, because a lot of people under the Christian banner these days are really keen to point out sins in others who aren't Christian. I think that if someone is a Christian, you should confront them about what you think they're doing wrong. But if they're not a Christian, you really should only make it known that you disagree and then move on with your life.
Yeah, I've always thought that was weird. One reason I started fading out from organized religion was because I was picked on at youth groups more than anywhere else when I was in middle school, and yet when it came time for prayers or whatever the kids would all act like they were such good Christians, etc etc. Or at school my friend told a Chinese friend that she was going to hell because she was Buddhist (that was the angriest I ever got at her, I think). Once I got told I was a bad Christian because I didn't want to join the Christian club at school, because it was full of people who tried to guilt others into becoming Christian.
Really, I think Christianity is a great religion, but it has some nutty followers. I still consider myself Christian in a lot of ways because I think the teachings are spot on and I live my life under their influence. But I'm sometimes ashamed to be associated with such hate-filled people sometimes.
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