Aug 16, 2009 21:16
It occurs to me that although many people consider themselves some form of Christian, the idea of "Christianity" is rather broad one these days, often contradicting in nature. There are a number of denominations that argue semantics like diet and how exactly one gets into heaven, and a lot of related religions like Mormonism or Jehovah's Witnesses that draw certain ideas from Christianity.
I think it would be beneficial to distill what I believe to its most basic principles so that we can all be on the same page. If you get offended easily, I'm not sure how you wound up being my friend in the first place. XD But hey, read on. It'll be fun. ^_-
1.) God and creation.
There is one God who is all-powerful and all-knowing and the perfect definition of love. He created the universe and everything in it, including the rules of science that govern it. He created humans with free will to choose to believe in Him, love him, or deny His existence or hate Him.
2.) Heaven and Hell are not vacation destinations.
Heaven is not a big shiny place in the sky where people play harps on clouds. Hell is not a big firey hole in the center of the earth. Hell is the absolute lack of love (and God). Hell is existing while being empty, miserable, unwanted, unloved, useless, lifeless or depressed, a thousand times over with no hope for improvement and no hope for an end. Heaven is existing feeling loved, complete, and full of life for all time.
3.) Only good people go to heaven.
Heaven is what God intended for all people. But because heaven is perfect love and life, only people who are good will experience it. If you are not a good person, you will experience hell.
4.) There is so such thing as a "good person."
Many people consider themselves to be good people because they do good things. But doing good things isn't enough. For instance, you likely consider yourself to be a law-abiding citizen. But if you have ever broken the speed limit, jaywalked, downloaded an MP3 or watched a TV show on YouTube, then you're not a law-abiding citizen. You may keep MOST laws. You keep the BIG laws. But you still break the law. Similarly, doing good things and refraining from the BIG bad stuff like murder doesn't actually make you a good person. If you've ever hated someone (even yourself) or wanted something that belonged to someone else, then you are not a "good person." It's black and white. There is no grey area.
5.) Jesus actually was a good person.
Okay, I lied in #3, but I'm human. It's what I do. There actually is ONE good person in all of history who has never done anything wrong whatsoever. Not even thought hateful things. That was Jesus. Jesus was God in human form, which is why He is the only person who has ever been able to be perfect.
6.) Jesus actually is willing to "swap out."
The punishment for not being a good person is hell. BUT Jesus will take the punishment in your place. In fact, He already did. When he was killed, He accepted punishment for all the bad things that everyone has done and will do. If he takes the punishment in your place, then you can live heaven even though you don't deserve it.
7.) Offer only valid if you ASK for it.
Although Jesus already did His part in taking your punishment, it only counts if you actually ask for it. But really...that's all there is to it. No secret ritual. No entry fees. No hidden requirements. It's as simple as realizing that you are not good enough to get into heaven, realizing you absolutely need Jesus to take your punishment for you, and asking Him to do so.
And that's it. That is the core of what I believe. Feel free to debate, critique, question, or just yell at me if that's your thing.