I'm doing a huge spring find-everything-a-place-again in my house. It's going okay, but now I want to tackle an area I had just kind of .. left.. because I didn't know what to do with it.
I live in a bachelor, so my living room is also my bedroom. It's pretty seperated by the way I have the furniture set up.. but.. It's just blank over by the bed. I'm reluctant to hang pictures around the bed because I'm deathly afraid of one falling on me in the middle of the night, and it's extra difficult because that wall is cement. I've done it, but it's doubly unreliable in any sort of holding-nails capacity.
What can I do to that corner? I was bandying about the idea of painting spread out barcode style stripes from the bedside table over, and then down to the desk area in a not-too-loud colour (sunshiney yellow.. lilac... ).. but Iiiiii don't know.
Ideas anyone?