Do you want to freeze to death? (Torchwood, Jack/Ianto, OC)

Jan 15, 2009 11:57


James Elton looked at the packet of thermal underwear that Ianto had just given him. Alright so it was going to be freezing for the next few days but he had never worn them before. In Australia, where he was originally from, the weather never made it below 0 degrees in some places. Well there was the snow fields but he had never gone because they were in Victoria and New South Wales. It never snowed in Adelaide, where he was from.

“You too huh?” Jack asked him, also holding up a packet.

“Yes, though it was a very nice thought. I’m still trying to get used to the freezing weather at this time of year.” James replied with a smile before setting down the packet on his desk.

“But you’ve lived here for....” Jack began but was at a loss, he couldn’t remember how long James had lived in Cardiff.

“Six months, Jack, being working here for two,” James finished, rolling his eyes.

Jack eyed the packet of cigarettes on James’ desk but said nothing.

“Coffee?” Ianto asked with a smile.

James nodded, “Yes thanks Ianto. Also thanks for these.”

“You’re welcome, though I’m not sure how I’m going to get Jack to wear his.” Ianto replied, looking at Jack. “He whined when I gave him the packet.”

“What’s wrong with....?”

“They’re” Jack began but James rolled his eyes.

“Jack, do you want to freeze to death?”

“No of course not.”

“Then wear them, I don’t give a shit that they’re not sexy.”

“You’re not the one who’s sleeping with me.” Jack replied with a grin.

“Um Jack, Ianto gave them to you, I don’t think he gives a shit either.”

Jack looked at Ianto who just smiled.

“Point taken.” He told James.

james elton, redismycolour, oc, jack, ianto, thermal underwear

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