Different but sane (1/?) Torchwood

Jan 14, 2009 20:07



“James, where are you?” A voice called from down the corridor.

I closed the drawer of my table and peered out of the door into the corridor. My boss was standing there in his grey RAF coat with a frown on his face. I could tell that the argument with Gwen was still fresh in his mind. We were in my apartment in Whitchurch and I had been in my room, putting away my journal when I had heard the door open. It was common since only two people had a key to the flat, me and Captain Jack Harkness who had one in case of emergencies.

“Evening Jack,” I said leaning on the door frame, “Why aren’t you with Ianto?”

“He decided to spend the evening by himself.” He replied with a small smile. I rolled my eyes as I knew that it was Ianto’s way of telling him ‘I don’t want to hear you bitch about Gwen.’

“So you decided to spend the night with me, great!” I said half sarcastically. “You know I’m not interested.” I added, which was true since even though I was also attracted to men, Jack somehow wasn’t on my interested list.

“I wasn’t looking for meaningless sex, James Elton. I was hoping you would go weevil hunting with me.” Jack said with a grin.

I looked at him with a puzzled look. As a rule he always went weevil hunting with Ianto while Gwen, Martha and I watched for rift activity. I got up from the door frame and made my way to the kitchen with Jack on my tail.

“So will you or not?” Jack asked again as I boiled the kettle.

“I have to decline Jack.” I replied putting a tea bag into a cup. It was a habit of mine to drink tea at night after all the coffee I drank at the hub. “Do you want one?”

He shook his head, “Oh well it was worth a try, I knew you would decline especially since.....”

He seemed to be distracted by the television which was still on in the lounge room. The channel seemed to be on BBC News 24 like it always was before I turned it over for Mock the Week very Thursday night.

“Since what....?” I asked before he shushed me.

“Police in Cardiff are investigating after another disappearance at Breyview mental hospital which had recently been refurnished.....”

“Didn’t you here about that?” I interrupted making Jack look at me while I poured the milk into the cup. “Two patients have escaped and they have already warned the public in case of....”

But Jack had left the kitchen and was already out of the door.

jack, series, gwen, james, rhys, oc, ianto, martha jones, torchwood

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