2011 in Fic Meme

Jan 01, 2012 14:11

A rehash of last year's fic meme but for 2011

In 2011 I posted two fanfics. Unsuccessfully anticipated in paperlegends and successfully participated in a porn battle. This was the year that I did the Foundation Course at Flinders University and when Fandom started to become less interesting. Not sure what will happen in 2012 fandom wise but I do want to write more fanfic. Thanks tomisswinterhill for beta-ing one of the fics.


It Starts With Forever and Ends With a Touch - Arthur/Merlin, PG-13, Originally written for a kinkme_merlin prompt.


Frottage Sweetie - Eleven/River Song, R. Originally written for  51stcenturyfox and neifile's Torchwood/Doctor Porn battle VIII

stories, 2011, meme, fic, doctor who, merlin

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