Comment Word Meme

Dec 11, 2011 14:22

Comment to this post, and I will list five things I associate with you, They might make sense or they might be totally random. Then post that list, with your commentary, to your LJ (or just add a reply back to me). Other people (including me) can get lists from you, and the meme merrily perpetuates itself.

From paragraphs

Holidays - Hmm I'm not quite sure about this one. Though in the future will love to go travelling around Europe one day and visit London, Cardiff, Paris, Venice and Berlin.

Music - So so love my music. In the past year I have discovered some excellent artists just by listening to Triple J and through the Triple J unearthed website. Australia has some brilliant talented artists either successful right now or to look out for in 2012. There is also many international artists that I love, mainly from Britain and some parts of Europe. :D

School - This year I did the Flinders University Foundation course and hope to get into University next year. I'm hoping to do a Bachelor of Arts, maybe in politics but not quite sure.

Torchwood - A show I used to watch but don't anymore. I used to write fanfic for this and everything. I'm more a Doctor Who fan and well discovered many shows which are better and not disappointing.

Writing - Writing is what I want to do and well want to write radio comedy. I completed two fanfic this year and participated in Nano this year but didn't get to 50,000 words. Maybe one day when I'm more focused to do it.

flist, meme, words, questions

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