Future is looking bright

Dec 03, 2010 23:03

Today I wrote out Christmas cards for everybody who wanted one. So in the next week or so I will be sending them out and be received by all you lovely people.

Yesterday I went to see a counsellor about what has been happening in my life. Since I haven't been coping with what has been happening with my mum, I decided to finally see someone again. This time though it wasn't as traumatic than when I went to see my old counsellor for the first time last year. I was able to tell the new counsellor why I was there and managed to not cry as much.   I see her again on the 16th and I think I will be able to cope better with the situation.

I feel like that with the counseling and hoping doing the University foundation course next year that things are going to get better for now on. That my future will be bright

Saw Flying High for the first time tonight, which I believe is also called Airplane. Tonight Channel Ten decided to do a Leslie Nielsen tribute by showing Flying High (Airplane) and Naked Gun. I really enjoyed it very much and hope to see Naked Gun in the future but tonight it clashed with something else.

I have a White Collar story I want to write after watching episode 1 of series 2 on Wednesday night. It's a sight variation of an idea of a story I started ages ago with the same character I created. I'm glad that this Summer's tv won't be boring.

movies, christmas cards, flist, personal, life, me

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